거 거거 중지 행행 행리 각
The word “거의” in Korean language refers to something that is almost or nearly happening. This word is commonly used in the context of expressing probability or possibility of an event taking place.
For example, “거의 같은 시간에 출발한다” translates to “they will almost depart at the same time.” In this context, the speaker is expressing that there is a high possibility or probability of the departure time being the same.
The word “거의” can also be used to express approximation or estimation. For instance, “그 건물은 거의 100미터 높이다” translates to “that building is almost 100 meters tall.” Here, the speaker is expressing an estimate or an approximation of the height of the building.
거꾸로: understanding the concept and usage of “Geokkuro”
“Geokkuro” in Korean language refers to the concept of something being “reversed” or “inversed.” It is usually used in situations where a certain sequence or pattern is altered or changed to its opposite.
For example, “거꾸로 걷기” translates to “to walk backward.” In this context, the pattern of walking forward is reversed, resulting in walking backward.
Another example is “거꾸로 숫자를 세다” which means “to count numbers backward.” In this context, the sequence of counting numbers is reversed, resulting in counting down instead of counting up.
거듭: what it means and its application in Korean language
“거듭” in Korean language means “repeatedly” or “again and again.” This word is often used to express the frequency or repetition of an action or event.
For example, “그는 항상 거듭 말했다” translates to “he repeatedly said it.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the frequency of the action of the person saying something.
“거듭” is also used in the context of the concept of “renewal” or “regeneration.” For instance, “그 회사는 거듭 발전하고 있다” translates to “that company is regenerating and growing.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the renewal and growth of the company.
연습이 거듭될수록: exploring the idiom and its meaning
The idiom “연습이 거듭될수록” in Korean language means “practice makes perfect.” It is used to express the importance of repetition and practice in improving one’s skills or abilities.
For example, “노래가 좋아지려면 연습이 거듭될수록 좋다” translates to “if you want to get better at singing, practice makes perfect.” In this context, the speaker is stressing the importance of practicing repeatedly to improve one’s singing ability.
건너뛰기 vs. 거슬러 올라가기: understanding the difference between the two concepts
“건너뛰기” in Korean language means “to skip” or “to jump over” while “거슬러 올라가기” means “to climb up” or “to ascend.” These two concepts are opposite in nature and are used differently in different situations.
For example, “뱅코크에서 서울로 건너뛰었다” translates to “I jumped from Bangkok to Seoul.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the idea of “skipping” or “jumping over” Bangkok to get to Seoul.
On the other hand, “산을 거슬러 올라가면서 일출을 보았다” translates to “I saw the sunrise while climbing up the mountain.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the idea of “climbing up” the mountain to see the sunrise.
“하며 거리를 걷다”: analyzing the meaning and usage of the idiomatic expression
The idiomatic expression “하며 거리를 걷다” in Korean language means “to walk while doing something else.” This expression is often used to describe the act of multitasking or doing two things at the same time.
For example, “그는 항상 책을 읽으며 거리를 걸었다” translates to “he always walked while reading a book.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the idea of the person doing two things at the same time.
Another Korean word that similarly sounds “거”
1. “거거하기”: what it means and when it is used
“거거하기” in Korean language means “to hesitate” or “to be indecisive.” This word is commonly used in situations where a person is uncertain or has doubts about a decision or action.
For example, “난 처음엔 거거했지만 결국 도와줬다” translates to “I hesitated at first, but eventually helped out.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the idea of having doubts at first but eventually taking action.
2. “거거걸음”: understanding the unique concept of “Geogeogeoreum”
“Geogeogeoreum” literally means “hesitant steps” in Korean language. This word is used to describe an act of walking slowly or hesitantly, usually due to fear or uncertainty.
For example, “그는 거거걸음으로 앞으로 걸었다” translates to “he walked hesitantly forward.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the idea of the person walking slowly or hesitantly.
3. “too much” in Korean: using 거거 with words to mean “too much”
In Korean language, the word “거거” can be used with other words to express the idea of “too much.” For example, “거거 많이 먹다” translates to “to eat too much.” In this context, the word “거거” is used to express the idea of eating excessively.
4. “거거거리”: exploring the meaning and usage of the word
“거거거리” in Korean language means “to stumble” or “to falter” while walking. This word is often used to describe a person’s unsteady gait or movement.
For example, “그는 술에 취해서 거거거리며 걸었다” translates to “he stumbled and walked unsteadily due to being drunk.” In this context, the word “거거거리” is used to express the idea of the person’s unsteady gait while walking.
5. “거거나”: when to use this word in your conversations
“거거나” in Korean language is a conjunction that means “or.” This word is used to provide alternatives or choices in a sentence.
For example, “밥 거거나 국을 마실래?” translates to “do you want to eat rice or drink soup?” In this context, the word “거거나” is used to express the alternatives or choices in meal options.
6. How to use “거거” when talking:
The word “거거” in Korean language is used to express hesitation, doubts, or uncertainty. When using this word in a sentence, the speaker is expressing the idea of being uncertain or indecisive about a decision or action.
For example, “그는 거거 말하며 어려움을 호소했다” translates to “he hesitantly expressed his difficulties and doubts.” In this context, the word “거거” is used to express the person’s indecisiveness and uncertainty.
7. 반복하는 것을 의미하는 ‘거거’
“거거” in Korean language can also mean “repetition” or “repeating.” This word is used to express the idea of doing something repeatedly or continuously.
For example, “그는 매일 거거 이야기를 한다” translates to “he talks about the same thing repeatedly every day.” In this context, the word “거거” is used to express the idea of the person’s repetitive behavior.
1. “중지” means “stop”: other Korean words that mean “stop”
In Korean language, there are several words that mean “stop” or “halt.” The most commonly used words are “중지,” “멈추다,” and “잠시 멈추다.”
“멈추다” is used to express the idea of “stopping” or “halting” something. For instance, “그는 일을 멈추고 쉬었다” translates to “he stopped working and rested.”
“잠시 멈추다” means “to pause briefly” or “to take a break.” This word is often used in the context of temporarily stopping something for a short period. For example, “잠시 멈춰서 기다려보자” translates to “let’s pause and wait for a bit.”
2. “중지선”: understanding the meaning and usage of the word in a transportation context
“중지선” in Korean language means “stop line” or “halt line.” This term is used in the context of public transportation systems, such as buses or subways, to indicate a designated area where passengers can board or get off the vehicles.
For example, “버스 정류장의 중지선에서 기다려주세요” translates to “please wait at the bus stop’s halt line.”
3. 운전 중지: when to use the word in a driving context
“운전 중지” in Korean language means “to stop driving.” This term is used in the context of driving, such as in the case of traffic rules or regulations.
For instance, “교통 신호가 빨간불일 때는 운전 중지해야 한다” translates to “when the traffic signal is red, you must stop driving.”
4. 송고 중지: what it means and when it is used
“송고 중지” in Korean language means “news broadcast stopped.” This term is used in the context of news broadcasting, where the transmission of the program or information is halted or discontinued.
For example, “방송국에서 재난 상황 발생 시 송고 중지가 발생할 수 있다” translates to “news broadcasting may be stopped in case of a disaster situation.”
5. Importance of “중지” in various industries
The concept of “중지” or “stop” is crucial in various industries, such as manufacturing, transportation, and construction. It is used to ensure safety and quality control measures by halting or stopping the production or operation when necessary.
For example, in the manufacturing industry, the production process may be halted when there is a defect or problem in the product. Similarly, in the transportation industry, a vehicle may be stopped when there is a safety issue or accident.
6. ‘중지’ vs. ‘정지’: understanding the difference between the two words
The words “중지” and “정지” both mean “stop” in Korean language. However, there is a slight difference between the two meanings.
“중지” refers to a temporary or partial stop, such as discontinuing the operation or production for a short period. On the other hand, “정지” refers to a complete or permanent stop, such as the cessation of a business or service.
For example, “업무를 중지하다” translates to “to temporarily suspend business operations” while “업무를 정지하다” translates to “to completely cease business operations.”
7. “중지” on banners and signs
The word “중지” is often used on banners and signs in various contexts, such as construction sites or road work. The purpose of using this word is to indicate a temporary stop or halt in traffic or pedestrians.
For instance, “도로공사 중지” translates to “construction work halted” while “횡단보도 중지” translates to “pedestrian crossing stopped.”
1. “행행하다”: what the word means and when to use it
The word “행행하다” in Korean language means “to be happy and content.” This word is often used to express the feeling of being satisfied or content with one’s life or situation.
For example, “그는 일에 만족하며 행행하다” translates to “he’s happy and content with his job.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the idea of the person being satisfied and content with their work.
2. When to use “행복해” rather than “행복하다”
The words “행복해” and “행복하다” both mean “to be happy” in Korean language. However, “행복해” is a more casual and informal way of expressing happiness, while “행복하다” is more formal.
For example, “나는 지금 행복해” translates to “I’m happy now.” In this context, the speaker is expressing a casual and informal way of expressing happiness.
On the other hand, “그는 행복하다” translates to “he is happy.” In this context, the speaker is expressing a formal and standard way of expressing happiness.
3. How to properly use “행낭” in Korean language
“행낭” in Korean language means “travel bag” or “backpack.” This word is often used in the context of traveling or hiking.
For example, “나는 행낭에 필요한 물품들을 담았다” translates to “I packed the necessary items in my travel bag.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the idea of preparing for a travel or hiking trip.
4. 다함께 “행 (X)”: how to correctly use the word in a sentence
The phrase “다함께 행 (X)” in Korean language means “to go on an outing or trip together (X).” This phrase is often used when planning social activities or outings.
For example, “다음 주말에 다함께 한강에서 행사나 볼까?” translates to “shall we all go to the Han River together next weekend?”
5. “체육 행”의 의미: exploring the meaning of the word in the context of sports
“체육 행” in Korean language means “physical education class” or “PE class.” This word is used in the context of sports and physical activities.
For example, “화요일에는 체육 행이 있다” translates to “there is a PE class on Tuesday.” In this context, the speaker is expressing the idea of a physical education class as a part of school curriculum.
6. How to use
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