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Trang chủ » 거부하다 영어로: 구글 번역의 함정? 클릭해서 이제부터 영어를 거부하지 마세요!

거부하다 영어로: 구글 번역의 함정? 클릭해서 이제부터 영어를 거부하지 마세요!

#거절하다 뉘앙스 차이-Refuse, Deny, Decline, Disallow, Reject, Turn down #영어단어 #유의어

거부하다 영어로

거부하다 뜻, 거절하다 다른 표현, 부탁을 거절하다 영어로, 승인거부 영어로, 디나이 영어로, 거부하다 거절하다, 포기하다 영어로, 거부 뜻거부하다 영어로 – 이번 글에서는 이러한 표현들에 대해 자세히 살펴보도록 하겠습니다. 거부 혹은 거절하는 것은 대인 관계에서 피할 수 없는 일 중에 하나입니다. 때로는 거절해야 하는 상황이 생기면서 상대방을 실망시킬 수도 있으며, 거절에 대한 규율이나 예절을 알지 못한다면 문제를 일으킬 가능성이 높습니다. 따라서 이번 글에서는 영어 회화에서의 거부 표현에 대해 알아보면서 공손한 방법으로 거절하는 방법을 소개하겠습니다.

거부하다 영어를 알아보자

영어에서 ‘거부하다’는 ‘Refuse’로 표현됩니다. 하지만 ‘Refuse’ 외 다른 표현들도 있습니다. 대표적으로 ‘Decline’, ‘Reject’, ‘Deny’, ‘Disapprove’가 있습니다. 이러한 표현들은 거부의 의미를 담고 있으며, 문맥에 따라 어떤 표현을 선택할지 고려해야 합니다.

거부를 표현하는 고급 영어 표현은 ‘Turn down’, ‘Repudiate’, ‘Rebuff’, ‘Renounce’, ‘Negate’ 등이 있습니다. 이러한 표현들은 좀 더 강조된 뉘앙스로 거절을 표현하기에 적절히 사용해야 합니다.

영어로 말하는 거부의 뉘앙스 이해하기

영어 회화에서 거부하는 방법은 크게 간접적인 거부와 직접적인 거부로 나뉩니다. 간접적인 거부 표현은 ‘I’ll think about it’와 같이 상대방에게 거절의 신호를 보내지만, 직접적인 거부 표현은 ‘No way!’와 같이 명확하게 거절하는 표현입니다.

또한, 매우 공손한 거부 표현에는 ‘I’m afraid I must decline your offer’와 같은 표현이 있습니다. 이러한 표현은 상대방을 실망시키지 않고 자신의 의사를 전달하는 데에 매우 효과적입니다. 또한, 거절에 대한 사유를 설명하는 것 역시 매우 중요한데, ‘I am sorry, but I cannot accept your invitation because I have a prior engagement’와 같은 표현을 사용하면 좋습니다.

영어 회화에서 거부의 자연스러운 표현

영어 회화에서 거부하는 방법은 공손하게 거절하는 것이 중요합니다. ‘Sorry, but I have other plans’와 같은 표현은 거절의 의사를 전달하면서도 상대방을 실망시키지 않습니다. 또한, ‘I appreciate the offer, but I can’t’, ‘It’s a kind offer, but I must refuse’, ‘Thank you, but I cannot accept your proposal’ 등의 표현들도 유용합니다.

거부하는 방법 잘못 이용하기의 결과

거부 혹은 거절을 잘못 이용하면 다음과 같은 결과를 낳을 수 있습니다.

첫째, 관계 개선 불가: 거절을 너무 과격하게 하면 상대방과의 관계가 개선되지 않을 수도 있습니다. 예를 들어, ‘I don’t want to work with him again’과 같이 과격한 표현은 상대방과의 관계 개선을 더욱 어렵게 만들 수 있습니다.

둘째, 비난: 거절을 받은 상대방이 실망하거나 화를 내는 경우도 있습니다. 이러한 상황에서는 상대방을 존중하는 태도로 대응하는 것이 중요합니다.

셋째, 트러블: 거절이 과격하거나 무례하게 이루어질 경우 상대방과의 갈등이 발생할 수도 있습니다.

넷째, 문화 간 곤란: 다른 문화권에서는 거부나 거절하는 것이 굉장히 민감한 문제입니다. 따라서, 상대방의 문화권의 관습과 예절 등을 존중하는 방식으로 거절하는 것이 좋습니다.


Q1: 거부하다 뜻은 무엇인가요?
A1: ‘거부하다’ 뜻은 ‘Refuse’로, 어떤 제안이나 부탁 등을 받아들이고자 하지 않음을 나타냅니다.

Q2: 거절하다 다른 표현은 무엇이 있나요?
A2: 거절하다 다른 표현으로는 ‘Decline’, ‘Reject’, ‘Deny’, ‘Disapprove’ 등이 있습니다.

Q3: 부탁을 거절하다 영어로는 어떤 표현이 있나요?
A3: 부탁을 거절하다 영어로는 ‘Sorry, but I cannot accept your request’와 같은 표현이 있습니다.

Q4: 승인거부 영어로는 무엇인가요?
A4: 승인거부 영어로는 ‘Disapprove’와 ‘Deny’ 등이 있습니다.

Q5: 디나이 영어로는 무엇인가요?
A5: ‘Deny’는 ‘거부하다’ 또는 ‘부인하다’라는 뜻을 가진 영어 표현입니다.

Q6: 거부하다 거절하다 차이는 무엇인가요?
A6: ‘거부하다’와 ‘거절하다’는 기본적으로 비슷한 뜻을 가지고 있으며, 상황에 따라 사용할 수 있는 표현이 다릅니다.

Q7: 포기하다를 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요?
A7: ‘포기하다’를 영어로는 ‘Give up’으로 표현합니다.

Q8: 거부 뜻은 무엇인가요?
A8: ‘거부’는 ‘Refusal’로, 어떤 제안이나 부탁 등을 받아들이고자 하지 않음을 나타냅니다.

Q9: 거부하다 뜻거부하다 영어로는 무엇인가요?
A9: ‘거부하다’는 ‘Refuse’로, ‘거부 뜻’은 ‘Refusal’로, ‘거부하다 뜻거부하다’는 ‘Refuse refusal’이 됩니다.

Keywords searched by users: 거부하다 영어로 거부하다 뜻, 거절하다 다른 표현, 부탁을 거절하다 영어로, 승인거부 영어로, 디나이 영어로, 거부하다 거절하다, 포기하다 영어로, 거부 뜻

Categories: Top 72 거부하다 영어로

#거절하다 뉘앙스 차이-Refuse, Deny, Decline, Disallow, Reject, Turn down #영어단어 #유의어

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거부하다 뜻

거부하다, which can be translated as “to refuse” or “to reject” in English, is a commonly used word in the Korean language. This word can be seen in various situations and contexts, ranging from personal interactions to business dealings. Understanding the meaning and usage of 거부하다 is important for effective communication in Korean.

What does 거부하다 뜻 mean?

The word 거부하다 is made up of two parts: 거부 (geobu) and 하다 (hada). 거부 means “refusal” or “rejection,” and 하다 means “to do” or “to act.” Therefore, 거부하다 can be translated as “to do refusal” or “to reject.”

When is 거부하다 used?

거부하다 is used when a person wants to decline or reject something that has been offered or suggested to them. This can include offers of help, invitations to events, suggestions for how to complete a task, or even romantic advances. In many cases, 거부하다 carries a negative connotation, as it implies that the person offering something has been turned down or rejected.

In some cases, 거부하다 can also be used to describe a situation where someone refuses to do something that they have been asked or instructed to do. For example, a child might refuse to eat their vegetables or a worker might refuse to complete a certain task at their job.

What are some common phrases that use 거부하다?

There are several phrases in Korean that use 거부하다. Some of the most common include:

– 거절하다 (geojeolhada): This phrase is similar to 거부하다 and also means “to refuse” or “to reject.”

– 제안을 거부하다 (jean-eul geobuhada): This phrase translates to “to reject a proposal” and is often used in business settings.

– 도움 제안을 거부하다 (dohum jean-eul geobuhada): This phrase means “to refuse a help offer” and can be used in personal or professional contexts.

– 연애 제안을 거부하다 (yeonae jean-eul geobuhada): This phrase translates to “to reject a romantic proposal” and is often used in dramas or movies.

What are some common situations where 거부하다 might be used?

거부하다 can be used in a wide range of situations. Some common examples include:

– A friend offering to lend money

– A colleague suggesting a certain approach to complete a project

– A family member inviting someone to a social event

– A romantic interest expressing interest in a relationship

– A boss assigning a task that an employee feels uncomfortable doing

– A waiter offering a dessert that a customer does not want to order

What are some important cultural considerations when using 거부하다 in Korea?

In Korean culture, the act of refusing or rejecting can be seen as impolite or disrespectful in some situations. Therefore, it is important to approach the use of 거부하다 with sensitivity and consideration for the other person’s feelings.

In some cases, it may be more appropriate to use softer language or more indirect methods of declining an offer or suggestion. This can include phrases such as “I’ll think about it” or “Let me see if I can fit it in my schedule.” Additionally, it is important to maintain a respectful tone when using 거부하다 in order to avoid causing offense or hurt feelings.


Q: What is the difference between 거부하다 and 거절하다?
A: 거부하다 and 거절하다 are very similar in meaning and can often be used interchangeably. However, 거절하다 can be seen as a slightly more formal or official way of refusing or rejecting something.

Q: Is it ever appropriate to use 거부하다 in a positive way?
A: While 거부하다 is typically used to convey a negative sentiment, there may be situations where it is appropriate to use the word in a positive way. For example, a person might say “I refuse to let this problem defeat me” as a way of expressing determination or resolve.

Q: Can 거부하다 be used to describe someone who has been rejected in a relationship?
A: Yes, 거부하다 can be used to describe a situation where someone has been rejected by a romantic interest.

Q: Are there any situations where it would be considered impolite to use 거부하다?
A: It is generally considered impolite to use 거부하다 in a way that is unnecessarily harsh or dismissive, particularly if the other person has made a sincere effort to offer help or support. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to use softer language or to express gratitude for the offer.

In conclusion, 거부하다 is a common and important word in the Korean language that is used to convey refusal or rejection. Understanding its meaning and usage can help facilitate effective communication in both personal and professional contexts. It is important to use 거부하다 with sensitivity and respect in order to avoid causing unnecessary offense or hurt feelings.

거절하다 다른 표현

거절하다 다른 표현 (geojulhada dareun pyohyeon) in Korean refers to the various ways of declining or rejecting something or someone. It could be an offer, a request, an invitation, or simply an idea. This is an essential aspect of communication in any language, and it requires a certain level of skill to communicate rejection respectfully without hurting the other person’s feelings.

While the phrase “거절하다” (geojulhada) is the most straightforward way of saying “to reject” in Korean, there are various alternative phrases that can be used to convey the same meaning with different levels of politeness or assertiveness.

In this article, we will explore some of the common expressions of rejection in Korean, their appropriate usage, and how to use them depending on the context.

Different Expressions of Rejection in Korean

1. 아니에요 (anieyo)

아니에요 (anieyo) is a common expression used to decline or reject something in a polite manner. It literally means “It’s not,” but it is commonly used to express rejection or deny something. For example, if someone offers you food, but you are not hungry, you can politely say “아니에요” to refuse the offer.

2. 다음 기회에 (da-eum gihoee)

다음 기회에 (da-eum gihoee) means “next time.” This expression is often used to decline an offer or invitation while not entirely ruling out the possibility of doing it in the future. For example, if someone invites you to a party, but you cannot attend, you can politely say “다음 기회에” to suggest that you may be able to join the party next time.

3. 안돼요 (andwaeyo)

안돼요 (andwaeyo) is a more straightforward way of rejecting something in Korean. It means “it’s not possible” or “I can’t do it.” This expression can be used in situations where the speaker cannot comply with the request due to some personal or objective reason. For example, if someone asks you for a loan, but you cannot afford it, you can say “안돼요” to decline the request.

4. 아니면 안돼요 (animyeon andwaeyo)

아니면 안돼요 (animyeon andwaeyo) is a more assertive way of rejecting something or someone in Korean. It means “you have to choose, either it’s this way or no way.” This expression is often used when the speaker wants to make it clear that they cannot compromise on a certain issue. For example, if someone suggests a plan that you strongly disagree with, you can say “아니면 안돼요” to make it clear that you cannot accept the plan unless it is changed to your satisfaction.

5. 미안해요 (mianhaeyo)

미안해요 (mianhaeyo) means “I’m sorry.” This expression can be used to refuse an offer or request while expressing regrets or apologies to the other party. It is often used in situations where the speaker wishes they could comply with the request, but they cannot due to some reason. For example, if someone invites you to a wedding, but you cannot attend due to a prior engagement, you can say “미안해요” to express regret for not being able to make it to the wedding.

6. 그러지 못해요 (geureoji moshaeyo)

그러지 못해요 (geureoji moshaeyo) means “I cannot do that.” This expression is often used to decline a request that the speaker cannot comply with due to practical or personal reasons. It is more straightforward than saying “미안해요” but less assertive than saying “안돼요.” For example, if someone asks you to stay late at work, but you have a prior engagement, you can say “그러지 못해요” to decline the request politely.

7. 좀 그러기는 하지만 (jom geureogineun hajiman)

좀 그러기는 하지만 (jom geureogineun hajiman) means “well, kind of, but…” This expression is often used when the speaker wants to express some hesitation or reluctance toward a proposal or idea without outright rejecting it. It can be a more diplomatic way of communicating rejection without causing offense or hurt feelings. For example, if someone suggests a business plan that you are not fully convinced of, you could say “좀 그러기는 하지만” to express your doubts without outright rejecting the proposal.

8. 그게 좀 어려워요 (geuge jom eoryeowoyo)

그게 좀 어려워요 (geuge jom eoryeowoyo) means “that’s a bit difficult.” This expression is often used to decline a request or proposal that the speaker finds challenging or impractical. It is a polite way of saying “안돼요” without sounding too forceful or negative. For example, if someone asks you to lend them a large sum of money, you could say “그게 좀 어려워요” to indicate that it would be difficult for you to comply with the request.


1. How do I know which expression of rejection is appropriate for a given situation?

Choosing the right expression of rejection depends on the context, relationship with the other party, and level of politeness or assertiveness required. If you are dealing with a close friend or family member, you may use more casual or familiar expressions of rejection. If you are communicating with a colleague or client, you may want to use more formal or polite expressions of rejection. Also, consider the reason for the rejection and the tone you want to convey. If you want to be more diplomatic or gentle, you may use expressions with shades of reluctance or regret. If you want to be more straightforward or assertive, you may use expressions that leave no room for negotiation or compromise.

2. Can I use the same expression of rejection in all situations?

While some expressions of rejection can be used in multiple situations, it is essential to consider the context and relationship with the other party. Using the wrong expression of rejection can come across as rude, insincere or unprofessional. For example, using a very assertive expression with a close friend may seem harsh, while using a very hesitant expression with a client may appear indecisive. It is important to adapt your communication style depending on the person and situation.

3. How can I reject someone without hurting their feelings?

Communicating rejection in a way that is respectful and considerate of the other person’s feelings requires some tact and empathy. It is essential to be honest and direct while expressing regret or reluctance if appropriate. Also, avoid using harsh language or overly firm expressions that could make the other person feel inadequate or unvalued. Instead, offer a clear reason for why you cannot comply with the request or suggestion and express appreciation for the effort or thoughtfulness of the other person’s proposal. Ultimately, showing empathy and respect for the other person’s feelings is crucial in communicating rejection in a way that preserves the relationship and mutual respect.

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#거절하다 뉘앙스 차이-Refuse, Deny, Decline, Disallow, Reject, Turn down #영어단어 #유의어
#거절하다 뉘앙스 차이-Refuse, Deny, Decline, Disallow, Reject, Turn down #영어단어 #유의어

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