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Trang chủ » 거든요 Grammar: 외국인이 한국어를 배울 때 꼭 알아야 할 문법! [클릭해서 읽어보세요]

거든요 Grammar: 외국인이 한국어를 배울 때 꼭 알아야 할 문법! [클릭해서 읽어보세요]

TOPIK -거든요 : Korean grammar : 한국어문법 : 한국어 교안 : learn korean

거든요 grammar

당신은 매우 중요한 메일을 보낸 후에 “그럼”이나 “하지?”를 이용해 상대방의 의견을 물어보기도 했을 것입니다. 한국어를 배우는 사람들 중 많은 사람들이 ‘거든요’라는 말을 들어봤을 겁니다. 거든요는 그럼이나 하지보다는 좀더 자연스러운 대화를 이끌기 위해 자주 쓰이는 말입니다. 이러한 대화를 이끌기 위해 거든요 문법을 잘 이해하고 사용하는 것이 중요합니다.

1. 거든요란?
‘거든요’는 특정한 의미를 가진 단어나 문장이 없을 때, 상대방의 이해를 돕기 위해 말하는 것입니다. 단순하게 설명하면 ‘그럼’이나 ‘하지’와 같은 의사소통 체계로 볼 수 있습니다. 즉, 대화의 연속성을 유지하기 위한 한국어의 특별한 용법 중 하나입니다.

2. 거든요의 사용 방법은 무엇인가요?
거든요의 사용 방법은 연결형과 서술형으로 나눌 수 있습니다. 연결형은 앞 문장과 뒷 문장이 서로 연결되어 있으며, 앞 문장에 대한 조건, 원인, 결과를 더해주는 역할을 합니다. 서술형은 주로 자신의 생각이나 의견을 말할 때 사용합니다. 예를 들어, ‘오늘 나 너무 피곤해. 이제 자러 갈까?’라고 말하면 ‘거든요’를 더해주면서 상대방에게 ‘나 지금 매우 피곤한 상태예요. 그래서 지금 자러 가려고요’ 라는 의미를 더욱 더 자연스럽게 전달할 수 있습니다.

3. 서술형과 연결형의 차이점은 무엇인가요?
서술형은 주로 자신의 생각이나 의견을 말할 때 사용하며, 앞 문장과 결과를 더해주는 역할을 합니다. 예를 들어, ‘저는 올해 여름에 해외여행을 가려고 합니다. 거기서 새로운 친구들도 사귀고 경험도 해보고 싶어서요.’ 라고 말할 때 ‘거든요’를 더해줄 수 있습니다.

연결형은 양쪽의 문장이 모두 결과를 나타내는 경우입니다. 앞 문장의 결과에 따라 이어지는 뒷 문장도 결과를 나타내는 것입니다. 예를 들어, ‘한국 여름은 너무 더워. (그래서) 곤하지?’ 라는 문장을 말할 때 ‘그래서’ 대신에 ‘거든요’를 사용하면 더욱 더 자연스러운 대화를 이끌어 나갈 수 있습니다.

4. 거든요의 의문문의 형태는 어떻게 될까요?
의문문에서 거든요를 사용할 때, 거든요를 끝에 붙이는 것이 일반적입니다. 하지만 거든요를 문장 가운데 사용하는 경우도 있습니다. 예를 들어, ‘내일 언제 만나요? 거든요, 어디에서 만날까요?’라는 질문을 할 때 ‘거든요’를 문장 중간에 끼워서 사용할 수 있습니다.

5. 거든요의 부정문의 형태는 어떻게 구성되나요?
부정문에서는 ‘그런’이라는 형용사와 함께 쓰이는 편입니다. 예를 들어, ‘나는 저녁에 밥을 먹고 자려고 했는데 미국에서 친구가 전화와서 거기에 데이터를 공유해 줄 수 있다고 해서 그곳으로 문을 나섰는데 데이터가 없었어. 모든게 그렇다면 내가 믿어야 할 것은 불안성밖에 없겠네. 거든 그런 거지.’ 라는 부정문에서 ‘거든’의 뜻이 부정하는 것과 관련하여 ‘그런 거지’라는 표현을 이용하면, 진실이 모호할 때도 거든요를 부정문으로 사용할 수 있습니다.

6. 거든요란 무엇인가요?
거든요 하면서 좀 더 자연스러운 대화를 이끌어낼 수 있으며, 대화에 난항을 겪는 경우도 발생하지 않습니다. 거든요는 문장 가운데에도 사용할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, ‘지금 이 여자랑 약속을 잡을까?’ 라는 말에서 ‘거든요’를 더해주면, 말이 더욱 자연스러워집니다.

7. 거든요의 다른 종류는 무엇이 있나요?
거든요에도 다양한 종류가 있습니다.

– 거든요 grammar ttmik: 티티믹에서도 자세히 다루고 있는 거든요 문법은 예상보다 복잡하지 않습니다.
– 거든요 grammar examples: 이를 내적으로 활용하는 방법은 거든요의 문법을 이해하기 위해 사용되는 다양한 예제들로 잘 설명되어 있습니다.
– 잖아요 grammar: 잖아요 문법은 거든요 문법과 같이 사용이 가능하며, 비슷한 맥락에서 사용됩니다.
– N 거든요: N 거든요는 N이라는 특정한 개념을 지칭하는 간결한 문장에서 ‘거든요’를 이용해 그것에 대해 자세히 설명하는 방법입니다.
– 거든요 띄어쓰기: ‘거든요’의 띄어쓰기는 ‘거(든)요’와 ‘거(든)요’의 두 가지 방법이 있습니다.
– 거든요 뜻: ‘거든요’의 뜻은 이전 문장의 내용과 함께 다음 문장을 이어주는 서투른 상황에서 사용되는 것입니다.
– 느라고 grammar: 느라고라는 용어는 ‘그러기 위해서’ 또는 ‘…하기 위해서’를 뜻하는 것입니다. 이는 거든요와 혼용해서 쓸 수 있습니다.
– 거거든요거든요 grammar: ‘거거든요거든요’는 ‘거든요’를 빈도 높은 것으로 사용해 교감의 원활성을 유지하는 방법입니다.


Q1. 거든요는 어떨 때 사용될까요?
A: 거든요는 양쪽의 문장이 모두 결과를 나타내는 경우입니다. 앞 문장의 결과에 따라 이어지는 뒷 문장도 결과를 나타내는 것입니다. 예를 들어, ‘한국 여름은 너무 더워. (그래서) 곤하지?’ 라는 문장을 말할 때 ‘그래서’ 대신에 ‘거든요’를 사용하면 더욱 더 자연스러운 대화를 이끌어 나갈 수 있습니다.

Q2. 거든요와 잖아요의 차이는 무엇인가요?
A: 거든요와 잖아요는 서로 유사한 문법으로, 이전 문장에 대한 조건, 원인 또는 결과를 다음 문장에 더해주는 기능을 합니다. 하지만 ‘거든요’는 양쪽의 문장이 결과를 나타내는 경우에 자주 사용하며, ‘잖아요’는 전달하는 내용을 강조할 때 더 자주 사용됩니다.

Q3. 거든요와 느라고의 차이는 무엇인가요?
A: ‘거든요’와 느라고는 유사한 문법으로, 이전 문장에 대한 조건, 원인, 결과를 다음 문장에 더해주는 역할을 합니다. 하지만 ‘느라고’는 그러기 위해서나 …하기 위해서를 나타냅니다.

Q4. 거든요는 부정문 형태로 사용할 수 있나요?
A: 부정문에서는 ‘그런’이라는 형용사와 함께 쓰이는 편입니다. 불안성이나 모호한 상태를 표현할 때 사용됩니다.

Q5. 거든요뿐 아니라 띄어쓰기 등 한국어 문법에서 더 깊이 들어가고 싶다면 어떻게 해야할까요?
A: 거든요는 한국어의 대표적인 문법 중 하나입니다. 추가로 다양한 한국어 문법을 배우고 싶다면 여러 학습 자료를 활용하며, 사설 학원이나 온라인 프로그램을 이용하는 것도 좋은 방법입니다.

Keywords searched by users: 거든요 grammar 거든요 grammar ttmik, 거든요 grammar examples, 잖아요 grammar, N 거든요, 거든요 띄어쓰기, 거든요 뜻, 느라고 grammar, 거거든요

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TOPIK -거든요 : Korean grammar : 한국어문법 : 한국어 교안 : learn korean

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거든요 grammar ttmik

거든요 (geodeunyo) is a common grammar pattern that is used in Korean language. It is often used in casual conversations and is used to connect two independent clauses. The pattern is formed by combining the verb stem with the word “거든요” (geodeunyo).

In this article, we will discuss the usage of 거든요 (geodeunyo) in Korean language and explore its various aspects. We will also provide some FAQs related to this grammar pattern.

Usage of 거든요 (geodeunyo) in Korean language

As mentioned earlier, 거든요 (geodeunyo) is used to connect two independent clauses. It is used to explain the reason for a particular action or to provide some background information. The pattern is usually used in casual conversations and is not considered formal.

The pattern can be used with various verb tenses such as present, past, and future. When used with the present tense, it expresses habitual actions or actions that are currently happening. For instance, “왜 이러고 있어요? (Why are you doing this?)” can be answered with “그냥 심심해서 거든요. (Just because I’m bored.)”

When used with the past tense, 거든요 (geodeunyo) is used to explain the reason for a particular action in the past. For example, “왜 그렇게 늦게 왔어요? (Why did you come so late?)” can be answered with “버스가 늦어서 거든요. (Because the bus was late.)”

When used with the future tense, the pattern is used to provide some background information about a future event. For instance, “이번 주말에 어디에 가실 거예요? (Where are you going this weekend?)” can be answered with “쉬다가 집에 있을 건데, 중간에 영화 관람할 거든요. (I’ll be relaxing at home but will go to watch a movie in between.)”


The conjugation rules for 거든요 (geodeunyo) are very simple. The pattern is formed by attaching “거든요” to the verb stem. However, the verb stem needs to be in the plain form, which means it should not have any tense markers.

For instance, if you want to say “I’m going to eat dinner” using 거든요 (geodeunyo), you need to use the verb stem “먹” (meok). The plain form of “먹” (meok) is “먹다” (meokda). Therefore, the correct sentence would be “저는 저녁을 먹을 거든요. (I’m going to eat dinner.)”

Similarly, if you want to say “I watched TV last night because I was bored”, you need to use the verb stem “보” (bo). The plain form of “보” (bo) is “보다” (boda). Therefore, the correct sentence would be “저는 어젯밤에 지루해서 TV를 봤거든요. (I watched TV last night because I was bored.)”

중요한 거든요 (geodeunyo) 문장 (Important sentences using 거든요)

Here are some important sentences using 거든요 (geodeunyo) that you should know:

1. 왜 걷고 있어요? (Why are you walking?) – 지하철이 너무 혼잡해서 거든요. (Because the subway is too crowded.)

2. 언제 보러 갈 거예요? (When are you going to see it?) – 이번 주말에 갈 거든요. (I’m going to see it this weekend.)

3. 그 사람이 누구세요? (Who is that person?) – 제 동생이 거든요. (That’s my younger brother.)

4. 너무 바쁘신가요? (Are you too busy?) – 네, 엄청 바쁘거든요. (Yes, I’m very busy.)

5. 왜 이리 늦으셨어요? (Why are you so late?) – 지각한 학생들 때문에 거든요. (Because of students who were late.)

FAQs about 거든요 (geodeunyo) in Korean language

1. Is 거든요 (geodeunyo) a formal or informal grammar pattern?

Answer: 거든요 (geodeunyo) is an informal grammar pattern and is usually used in casual conversations.

2. Can we use 거든요 (geodeunyo) in written Korean?

Answer: Yes, 거든요 (geodeunyo) can be used in written Korean, but only in informal contexts such as text messages, social media posts, etc.

3. Are there any other grammar patterns that are similar to 거든요 (geodeunyo) in Korean language?

Answer: Yes, there are several other grammar patterns that are similar to 거든요 (geodeunyo) such as “-아/어서 (a/eoseo)” and “-네요 (-neyo)”.

4. Can we use 거든요 (geodeunyo) with all Korean verbs?

Answer: Yes, 거든요 (geodeunyo) can be used with all Korean verbs, but the verb stem must be in the plain form without any tense markers.


The grammar pattern 거든요 (geodeunyo) is widely used in Korean language, especially in casual conversations. It is used to connect two independent clauses and provide some background information or explanation about a particular action. The pattern is formed by combining the verb stem with the word “거든요 (geodeunyo)” and can be used with various verb tenses such as present, past, and future. In addition, the pattern is informal and can be used in both spoken and written Korean.

거든요 grammar examples

As a non-native speaker of Korean, one of the grammatical structures that seemed to have no clear explanation was the use of “거든요” (geodeunyo). It is a combination of two particles: “거” (geo), which means “something” or “the fact that,” and “든요” (deunyo), which is a polite or deferential ending that adds a nuance of explanation or persuasion.

“거든요” can be used in various contexts, but its basic function is to introduce a piece of information that is directly related to the ongoing conversation or is used to stress a point that the speaker wants to make. In this article, we will look at some examples of “거든요” and clarify some common questions about this grammar structure.

Examples of “거든요”

1) “이 지역에 사람이 많아서 자동차를 못 주차하는 거든요.” (I jiyoge sarami manhaseo jadongcha-reul mot juchahaneun geodeunyo.) – “It’s because there are many people in this area that I can’t park my car.”

In this example, “거든요” is used to provide an explanation (자동차를 못 주차하는) for the situation described (이 지역에 사람이 많아서). The speaker is saying that the reason they can’t park their car is because there are too many people in the area. The use of “거든요” adds a tone of justification, as if the speaker wants to convince the listener that there is a valid reason for their inability to park their car.

2) “어제 밤에 잠을 못 잤거든요. 그래서 지금 너무 졸려요.” (Eoje bame jameul mot jatgeodeunyo. Geuraeseo jigeum neomu jollyeoyo.) – “I didn’t sleep well last night, so I’m really tired now.”

In this example, “거든요” is used to provide a reason (어제 밤에 잠을 못 잤) for the current state of the speaker (지금 너무 졸려요). The speaker wants to explain why they are feeling tired, and the use of “거든요” implies that there is a logical explanation for their condition.

3) “그 사람이 저번에 나한테 전화를 했거든요. 그래서 난 이번에 그에게 전화를 했어요.” (Geu sarami jeobeone nahante jeonhwareul haetgeodeunyo. Geuraeseo nan ibeone geuege jeonhwareul haesseoyo.) – “He called me last time, so I called him this time.”

In this example, “거든요” is used to link two actions (그 사람이 저번에 나한테 전화를 했다/그래서 난 이번에 그에게 전화를 했다). The speaker is saying that they called the person because that person called them last time. The use of “거든요” implies that the listener should understand the connection between the two actions.

4) “그녀가 선생님이거든요. 그래서 학생들한테 따뜻한 모습을 보여주고 싶어요.” (Geunyeoga seonsaengnimigeodeunyo. Geuraeseo haksaengdeulhante ttatteutan moseubeul boyeojugo sipeoyo.) – “She’s a teacher, so she wants to show a warm personality to her students.”

In this example, “거든요” is used to introduce a piece of information (그녀가 선생님이다) that explains the speaker’s subsequent statements (그래서 학생들한테 따뜻한 모습을 보여주고 싶어요). The speaker is saying that because the person is a teacher, they want to show a warm personality to their students. The use of “거든요” implies that the listener should take into account the fact that the person in question is a teacher.

FAQs about “거든요”

1. Can “거든요” be used in formal situations?

Yes, “거든요” can be used in both formal and informal situations. However, it is more commonly used in informal conversations and can sound too casual in formal contexts. In formal situations, it is recommended that you use “입니다/입니다만” or “에요/에요만” instead, and add more polite language accordingly.

2. How is “거든요” different from “그래서” (geuraeseo)?

“거든요” and “그래서” are both used to imply a causal relationship between two events or situations. However, “거든요” is more commonly used in spoken language and has a slightly more informal nuance compared to “그래서,” which is used in both written and spoken language. Additionally, “거든요” is often used to introduce a piece of information that the speaker assumes the listener may not know or to add a tone of explanation.

3. Can you give an example of when “거든” is used instead of “거든요”?

“거든” is a shortened form of “거든요” and is used in more informal situations, usually in spoken language. It does not have the polite ending of “요” but has the same basic function. For example, “그렇게 생각하면 될 거든.” (Geureohge saenggakhameon doel geodeun) – “You can think like that.”

4. Can “거든요” be used to give commands or instructions?

No, “거든요” is not appropriate for giving commands or instructions, as it has a nuance of explanation or persuasion. In such cases, you should use more appropriate forms of verbs such as “해주세요 (haejuseyo)” or “해라 (haera)”.

5. Are there any situations where “거든요” should not be used?

Like many Korean grammar structures, “거든요” is used to effectively communicate information and add nuance to a conversation. However, it is important to remember that it can sound too casual in formal contexts, and may not be appropriate in situations where a more serious tone is required. For example, it might not be appropriate to use “거든요” when speaking to someone in a position of authority or a professional setting.


“거든요” is a useful grammar structure that can help clarify a speaker’s thoughts and add nuance to a conversation. Although it can be confusing to use at first, practice and listening to more Korean conversations can help you master its use effectively. And with the FAQs section above, you are now better equipped to understand its usage patterns and when it is appropriate to use it! Happy learning!

잖아요 grammar

Korean grammar can be challenging for learners, and one of the most confusing parts is the use of 잖아요 (jana-yo) at the end of sentences. This grammar point can be translated to “you know,” “as you know,” or “I assume,” among other meanings, making it hard to grasp its exact function. In this article, we will delve into the usage of 잖아요 in Korean and provide answers to frequently asked questions about this tricky grammar point.

What is 잖아요 (jana-yo)?

잖아요 is a verb ending that is used to indicate something that the speaker assumes as known or already mentioned by the listener. It can be interpreted as a tag question asking for agreement, or as an expression of confidence in one’s statement. Depending on the context, it can convey various nuances such as explanation, emphasis, surprise, or even annoyance.

How is it used in a sentence?

The use of 잖아요 depends on the tense and perspective of the sentence. Here are some examples:

Present tense:
– 그게 그렇게 맛있어요, 잖아요. (Geuge geureohge masisseoyo, jana-yo.) “You know, this tastes really good.”
– 네가 항상 늦잠 자니까, 잘 몰라요. (Nega hangsang neujeom jani-kka, jal mollayo.) “I don’t know because you always oversleep, you know.”

Past tense:
– 그 날 비가 오길 바랬는데, 안 왔잖아요. (Geu nal biga ogil baraenneunde, an watjana-yo.) “I hoped it would rain that day, but it didn’t, you know.”
– 오늘 한국어 시험 망쳤는데, 걱정됐잖아요. (Oneul hangugeo siheom mangcheonneunde, keokjeongdwaetjana-yo.) “I did badly on the Korean test today, so I was worried, you know.”

Future tense:
– 내일은 날씨가 괜찮아보이는데, 같이 산책하자, 잖아요. (Naeireun nassiga gwaenchanh-aboineunde, gachi sanchaekhaja, jana-yo.) “Tomorrow looks like a nice day, so let’s go for a walk together, you know.”
– 연주회에 가기 전에, 반드시 연습해야 돼, 잖아요? (Yeongjuhoe gagi jeone, bandeusi yeonseuphaeya dwae, jana-yo?) “Before the concert, you must practice, you know?”

How is 잖아요 different from other sentence endings?

잖아요 is similar to other sentence endings in Korean such as -니까 (-nikka), -겠죠? (-getjyo?), -아/어야지 (-a/eyaji), or -나요? (-nayo?). However, each of them has a distinct function and nuance.

-니까 (-nikka) is used to give a reason for something or to connect two statements that have a cause-and-effect relationship. It is also more formal and objective than 잖아요.

-겠죠? (-getjyo?) is a tag question indicating the likelihood or assumption of something. It can be translated to “right?” or “I bet,” and implies a degree of confidence or expectation.

-아/어야지 (-a/eyaji) is an expression of determination or intention, and is used to suggest or persuade someone to do something. It is often more colloquial and assertive than 잖아요.

-나요? (-nayo?) is a polite question ending that seeks confirmation or clarification of a fact or opinion. It is neutral and less subjective than 잖아요.

What are some common variations of 잖아요?

There are several variations of 잖아요 that reflect the gender, age, or social status of the speaker. They include:

– 잖아 (jana): informal contraction of 잖아요 used among close friends or family members. It drops the polite 요 (-yo) ending, making the sentence more casual and intimate.
– 잖아여 (jana-yeo): a variation used by women or girls, especially in the southern dialects. It adds a feminine -여 (-yeo) suffix instead of 요.
– 잖냐 (jan-nya): a more masculine way of saying 잖아요, often used by male speakers to assert their confidence or expertise.
– 잖지 (jan-ji): a shortened form of 잖아요 that can replace it in informal or colloquial contexts. It has a similar meaning and tone as 잖아요 but sounds less formal and more conversational.

What are some common mistakes made with 잖아요?

One common mistake is using 잖아요 too frequently or inappropriately, which can make the speaker sound vague or uncertain. While 잖아요 can clarify or emphasize a point, overusing it can also undermine the speaker’s credibility or annoy the listener. Therefore, it is important to use 잖아요 only when necessary and in the right context.

Another mistake is mistranslating or misinterpreting 잖아요 as a rhetorical question or a command. Since 잖아요 can have different meanings depending on the tone and context, it is important to understand its function and intention in the sentence. For example, saying “왜 안 왔잖아요?” (Wae an watjana-yo?) can be translated as “Why didn’t you come, you know?” instead of “Why didn’t you come?” or “You should have come!”

What are some tips for using 잖아요 effectively?

To use 잖아요 effectively, consider the following tips:

– Use it sparingly and purposefully. Don’t use it in every sentence or in situations where it is not needed or appropriate. Instead, use it to clarify or emphasize important information or assumptions that the listener may not know or have forgotten.
– Pay attention to the tone and context. 잖아요 can convey different emotions or attitudes depending on the context, such as surprise, annoyance, or explanation. Therefore, it is important to match the tone with the situation and the listener’s expectation.
– Practice using different variations. Depending on the speaker’s gender, age, or social context, they may use different variations of 잖아요 that reflect their personality or preference. Therefore, it is helpful to practice using different forms of 잖아요 and see which one sounds more natural or effective.
– Listen to native speakers. To master the use of 잖아요, it is important to listen to and imitate native speakers’ usage and intonation. By observing how they use 잖아요 and when, learners can enhance their own ability to use 잖아요 effectively in their own communication.

In conclusion, 잖아요 is a multifunctional and nuanced grammar point that can be difficult for Korean language learners to grasp. However, by understanding its usage and variations, as well as paying attention to tone and context, speakers can use 잖아요 effectively in their communication and enhance their fluency and accuracy.

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