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걱정말아요 그대 악보 pdf 다운로드: 무료로 바로 받아보세요!

이적 - 걱정말아요 그대 (Don't worry) [응답하라 1988 OST] / Piano Cover / Sheet

걱정말아요 그대 악보 pdf

걱정말아요 그대 악보 pdf는 어떤 것인가요?

걱정말아요 그대는 한국의 대표적인 인기 가수이자 작곡가인 이적의 곡입니다. 이 곡은 김은숙 작가의 드라마 ‘별에서 온 그대’에서 OST로 사용되어 대중적인 인기를 얻었습니다. 걱정말아요 그대는 특유의 가사와 뮤지션 이적의 독특한 보컬 등으로 이 시대를 대표하는 명곡 중 하나로 꼽히고 있습니다.

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PDF 형식의 악보는 인쇄물이나 스마트폰, 태블릿 등 다양한 기기에서 읽을 수 있어 매우 편리합니다. 또한 악보의 크기를 조정할 수 있어 필요한 크기로 인쇄할 수 있어 경제적입니다. 그러나 PDF 형식의 악보는 수정이 어렵다는 단점이 있습니다.

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걱정말아요 그대 악보 PDF파일은 피아노, 기타, 바이올린 등 다양한 악기를 위한 악보가 제공됩니다. 또한 악보의 난이도를 쉽게 설정할 수 있어 초보자부터 전문가까지 모두 사용할 수 있습니다.

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악보를 다운로드 할 때 주의할 점은 다음과 같습니다.

1. 저작권 문제 확인: 악보는 저작권 법으로 보호되기 때문에 다운로드 전 해당 악보의 저작권 문제를 꼭 확인해야 합니다.

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악보를 다운로드하여 활용할 수 있는 방법은 다양합니다.

1. 악기 연습: 악보를 기반으로 악기를 연습할 수 있습니다.

2. 발음 연습: 발음 연습을 위해 악보로 직접 노래를 부르는 것도 좋은 방법입니다.

3. 연주 비디오 제작: 악보를 기반으로 자신의 연주 비디오를 제작할 수 있습니다.

4. 뮤직 스코어 제작: 악보를 기반으로 뮤직 스코어를 제작하여 다른 연주자들과 공유할 수 있습니다.

걱정말아요 그대 악보 PDF를 활용한 쉬운 학습 방법

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2. 속도를 조절하여 연습: 곡의 속도를 느리게 하면 연습할 때 실수를 줄일 수 있습니다.

3. 자신에게 맞는 레벨의 악보 다운로드: 자신의 레벨에 맞는 악보를 다운로드하여 연습하면 더욱 효과적입니다.

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2. 연주 비디오 촬영: 자신이 연주하는 모습을 비디오로 촬영합니다.

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4. 유투브 등에 업로드: 연주 비디오를 편집하여 유튜브 등의 플랫폼에 업로드하여 다른 연주자들과 공유합니다.

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이적 – 걱정말아요 그대 (Don’t worry) [응답하라 1988 OST] / Piano Cover / Sheet

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걱정 말아요 그대 키

걱정 말아요 그대 키, or “Don’t worry, dear, you’re tall enough,” is a phrase that has become a popular expression of reassurance in South Korea. In a society that places a significant emphasis on physical appearance, particularly height, this phrase has become a source of comfort for those who may feel insecure about their height. This article will explore the origins of the phrase, its cultural significance, and its impact on Korean society.

Origins of the Phrase

The phrase “걱정 말아요 그대 키” first gained popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s through its use in pop culture, particularly in Korean dramas. It was often used by male characters to reassure their shorter female counterparts that their height was not an issue and that they were still attractive.

The phrase gained further traction when it was used as the title of a popular song by the Korean boy band 2AM. Released in 2008, the song “걱정말아요 그대” became a hit, reaching number one on various music charts in South Korea. Its popularity helped to cement the phrase as an expression of comfort and reassurance in Korean culture.

Cultural Significance

The importance of height in Korean culture can be traced back to the country’s history and Confucian beliefs. In Confucianism, height symbolizes power and strength, which are valued traits in society. Additionally, taller individuals are often perceived as more attractive and successful.

The emphasis on height has led to a phenomenon known as “heightism,” where individuals who are perceived to be too short may face discrimination and prejudice. This is particularly prevalent in the workplace, where taller individuals may be more likely to be hired or promoted.

The phrase “걱정 말아요 그대 키” serves as a counter to this societal pressure, reminding individuals that their worth is not determined by their height. The phrase encourages individuals to embrace their unique qualities and not to let their insecurities hold them back.

Impact on Korean Society

The use of “걱정 말아요 그대 키” as an expression of reassurance has had a significant impact on Korean society. It has helped to combat the negative effects of heightism and promote a more positive body image. By embracing the phrase, Koreans are challenging the idea that height is the sole determinant of an individual’s worth.

Furthermore, the phrase has become a symbol of comfort and support in times of insecurity or self-doubt. It is often used as a way to encourage others to be confident in their abilities and to not let their insecurities hold them back.

The popularity of the phrase has also led to its incorporation into various aspects of Korean culture, including fashion and beauty. For example, the Korean fashion brand MÜNN released a t-shirt with the phrase “Don’t worry, dear, you’re tall enough” on it, promoting body positivity and self-love.


Q: Is heightism a prevalent issue in Korean society?

A: Yes, heightism is a significant issue in Korean society. Taller individuals are often perceived as more attractive and successful, leading to discrimination and prejudice towards those who are perceived to be too short.

Q: How has the phrase “걱정 말아요 그대 키” impacted Korean society?

A: The phrase has had a significant impact on Korean society by promoting a more positive body image and challenging the negative effects of heightism. It has become a symbol of comfort and support in times of insecurity and has been incorporated into various aspects of Korean culture.

Q: Is there a gender difference in the perception of height in Korean society?

A: Yes, there is a gender difference in the perception of height in Korean society. Height is often more important for men, as it is seen as a symbol of power and strength. Women, on the other hand, may face more pressure to be slim and petite.

Q: How can individuals combat the negative effects of heightism in their daily lives?

A: Individuals can combat the negative effects of heightism by embracing their unique qualities and not letting their insecurities hold them back. They can also challenge societal standards by promoting body positivity and self-love.

걱정말아요 그대 바이올린 악보

걱정말아요 그대 바이올린 악보 – A Classic Korean Song

When it comes to Korean songs, 걱정말아요 그대 바이올린 (Don’t Worry, My Dear Violin) is a classic. The song was written by a renowned South Korean composer and songwriter named 이상순 (Lee Sang Soon), and the lyrics were written by a well-known South Korean singer and songwriter named 윤종신 (Yoon Jong Shin). This song became a hit in South Korea with the release of the drama soundtrack, Guardian: The Lonely and Great God, which featured this song and many others.

The song’s beautiful melody and meaningful lyrics have made it a favorite among Korean music enthusiasts over the years. The violin plays a crucial role in this song and adds an extra charm to its melody. Therefore, it’s a must-learn piece for all violinists out there.

About 걱정말아요 그대 바이올린 악보

The sheet music for this song is widely available on various online platforms and music stores. The music sheet is written in treble clef, and it’s printed on standard A4 size paper. The sheet music includes all the parts required for performing the song – the main melody and violin countermelody – in addition to the chord progression and sheet music of other instruments, if needed.

The sheet music is suitable for intermediate to advanced-level violin players, as the song requires a good grasp of violin techniques such as vibrato, glissando, and harmonics. The sheet music is easy to read and understand, even for beginners who have a basic understanding of music theory.

The song’s main melody is played using the G major scale, and it features sequences of notes that rise and fall gently and smoothly. The violin countermelodies add extra depth and texture to the melody, making the song sound fuller and richer. The song’s tempo is also crucial to achieve the right mood and feel – it should be played in a relaxed, melancholic style.

The song’s lyrics are also significant as they tell a story of love, loss, and hope. The song is about a person who is trying to move on from a broken relationship and find hope again. The lyrics encourage the listener to keep going, even through hard times. The lyrics are poetic and profound, and they resonate with listeners of all ages and backgrounds.


Q. Is 걱정말아요 그대 바이올린 a difficult song to play on the violin?

A. The song is moderately difficult and requires a good grasp of violin techniques such as vibrato, glissando, and harmonics. However, with dedicated practice, even beginner players can learn to play this song with ease.

Q. Where can I find the sheet music for this song?

A. The sheet music for this song is widely available online on various music stores and platforms, such as Amazon, Etsy, and You can also find the sheet music for this song on sheet music forums and music-related blogs.

Q. Who composed the song 걱정말아요 그대 바이올린?

A. The song was composed by a renowned South Korean composer and songwriter named 이상순 (Lee Sang Soon).

Q. What is the pace of the song?

A. The song should be played in a relaxed, melancholic style, with a moderate pace that’s comfortable for the performer.

Q. What are the lyrics to the song 걱정말아요 그대 바이올린?

A. Here is a translation of some of the song’s lyrics:

Don’t worry, my dear
Don’t worry, my dear
Even if it’s a painful separation
We’ll meet again

Like a miracle
Like the spread of a warm sun
A day will come when
The pain will stop

It’s all right, it’s all right
Even if tears are in your eyes
It’s all right, it’s all right
We can overcome it together

Q. Can I perform this song in a recital or concert?

A. Yes, the song is suitable for performance in recitals, concerts, or other music events. However, it’s essential to practice the song thoroughly beforehand and seek the guidance of an experienced violin teacher or coach.


In conclusion, 걱정말아요 그대 바이올린 is a masterpiece of Korean music and a must-learn song for all violin players. The song’s beautiful melody and meaningful lyrics have touched the hearts of millions of people worldwide and made it a classic in Korean music history. The sheet music for this song is widely available online and is suitable for intermediate to advanced-level players. To master the song, dedicated practice and the guidance of an experienced teacher or coach are recommended.

걱정말아요 그대 기타 악보

걱정말아요 그대 기타 악보, also known as “Don’t Worry, My Dear” or simply “Don’t Worry,” is a popular Korean song that was produced in 1988. The song was written by a renowned Korean songwriter, 이수만, and performed by 이적, a legendary Korean rock musician. Since its release, the song has had a profound impact on Korean music history, and it has remained popular to this day. In this article, we’ll delve into the background of the song, explore its impact on Korean music, and answer some frequently asked questions about the song’s guitar score.

Background of the Song

The song, 걱정말아요 그대, was first written and composed by 이수만 in 1988. The song was written as a lullaby to comfort his friend’s daughter who was afraid of thunderstorms. The song was initially performed by 이적, who was a relatively unknown musician at the time. The song was later released as part of his first album entitled “With a Longing Heart” (그리움만 쌓이네).

Impact on Korean Music

“걱정말아요 그대” had a significant influence on Korean music. This song’s style and melody were very different from the upbeat music that was prevalent in Korea at the time. The song’s melancholic yet uplifting melody, simple and poetic lyrics, and acoustic guitar-driven sound all contributed to the song’s success. Fans appreciated the song’s rawness and felt that it spoke to their emotions. The song has been interpreted by various artists and has become a standard rendition for many musicians.

The song’s lyrics speak to the theme of overcoming hardships in life, and this message resonated with many listeners. The song was released near the end of the 1980s, a time when Korea was moving from a dictatorship to a democratic government, and people were coping with the aftermath of the Gwangju Uprising tragedy. This tumultuous period made people long for a more authentic and personal approach to music, and “걱정말아요 그대” delivered both musically and lyrically. This song became a symbol of hope and comfort to many Korean listeners, and it remains a beloved classic today.


1. What is the key of the song?
The song is in the key of C Major.

2. What is the strumming pattern/hand positioning used in the song?
The strumming pattern for the song is DDU UDU. As for hand positioning, it depends on the player’s preference, but typical chords used in the song include C, G, Am, F, and E.

3. Are there any recommended guitar models for playing the song?
There isn’t a specific guitar model that is recommended for playing the song. However, any guitar with decent sound quality and that can hold tuning should be suitable for playing it.

4. Can beginners play the song?
Beginners may find the song challenging, but with practice, it’s certainly achievable. A seasoned instructor or video tutorials may be helpful in teaching you the necessary skills.

5. Where can I find the official guitar score for the song?
The official guitar score for the song can be purchased online or in some stores in Korea. It can also be found on various guitar Tab websites.

In conclusion, “걱정말아요 그대” is a hallmark of Korean music history. It has comforted countless people and has left an indelible mark on the musical landscape of Korea. The song’s simple melody and lyrics remain a classic and have been interpreted by various artists across different genres. The guitar score for the song is suitable for players of all levels, and with practice, it is attainable. As with any musical piece, the key is to keep practicing and eventually, you’ll be able to play the song with ease.

Images related to the topic 걱정말아요 그대 악보 pdf

이적 - 걱정말아요 그대 (Don't worry) [응답하라 1988 OST] / Piano Cover / Sheet
이적 – 걱정말아요 그대 (Don’t worry) [응답하라 1988 OST] / Piano Cover / Sheet

Article link: 걱정말아요 그대 악보 pdf.

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