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거적때기 뜻 | 거적때기의 진정한 뜻은 무엇일까? 클릭해서 알아보세요!

이 몸매면 거적때기를 입어도 오뜨꾸뛰르 #shorts

거적때기 뜻

거적때기 뜻에 관하여

거적때기는 한국어 사용자들에게 친숙한 표현 중 하나입니다. 이 표현은 다양한 상황에서 사용되며, 다른 말들과 조합해서 사용됩니다. 한국어 사용자들은 거적때기에 대해 잘 알고 있으나, 외국어 사용자들이 이 표현을 이해하기 어려워할 수도 있습니다. 이번에는 거적때기 뜻에 대해 자세히 알아보겠습니다.

1. 걱정했다는 뜻인가요?
거적때기는 걱정, 불안, 불편함, 답답함 등의 감정을 나타내는 표현입니다. 이 표현은 일반적으로 부정적인 감정을 나타내며, 무엇인가를 걱정하거나 불편한 상황에서 느끼는 감정을 표현할 때 사용됩니다.

2. 의문어로 사용된 적이 있는가요?
아니오, 거적때기는 일상적인 표현 중 하나이며, 의문어로 사용되는 경우는 드뭅니다.

3. 어떤 말과 함께 자주 쓰이나요?
거적때기는 다양한 말과 함께 사용됩니다. 대표적으로 ‘거적때기 마음’, ‘거적때기 기분’, ‘거적때기 머리’, ‘거적때기 몸’ 등이 있습니다.

4. 어떤 상황에서 사용되어 좁은 의미를 갖나요?
거적때기는 일반적으로 부정적인 감정을 나타내는 표현이기 때문에, 불안, 걱정, 불편함 등의 상황에서 사용됩니다. 예를 들어, ‘시험 전에는 거적때기 마음이 들어’, ‘흘려놓은 일이 마음에 거적때기 들어’와 같은 상황에서 사용됩니다.

5. 어떤 상황에서 사용되어 넓은 의미를 갖나요?
거적때기는 부정적인 감정뿐만 아니라, 다양한 상황에서 사용될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, ‘거적때기 모험을 떠나다’와 같이 긍정적인 상황에서도 사용될 수 있습니다.

6. 거부 감정을 나타내는 표현으로 사용되는가요?
아니요, 거적때기는 거부 감정을 나타내는 표현은 아닙니다. 그러나, 부정적인 감정이기 때문에 거부와 관련된 말들과 함께 사용될 수도 있습니다.

7. 사람이 아닌 물체를 대상으로도 사용되는가요?
아니요, 거적때기는 일반적으로 사람을 대상으로 사용됩니다. 그러나, 특정한 상황에서는 물체를 대상으로 사용될 수도 있습니다.

8. 외국어 문맥에서 자주 볼 수 있는 표현인가요?
아니요, 거적때기는 주로 한국어 사용자들 사이에서 사용되는 표현 중 하나입니다. 따라서, 외국어 문맥에서는 볼 수 있는 빈도가 매우 적습니다.

9. 검정색 동그라미와 비슷한 캐릭터와 연관되어 있는가요?
네, 거적때기는 검정색 동그라미와 비슷한 캐릭터와 연관됩니다. 이 동그라미는 일상생활에서 우리가 많이 볼 수 있는 모양으로, 거적때기를 나타낼 때 종종 사용됩니다.

10. 국내 본사 프로그래머들이 자주 사용하는 표현인가요?
네, 거적때기는 국내 본사 프로그래머들이 자주 사용하는 표현 중 하나입니다. 이유는 정확히 알 수 없지만, 거적때기라는 표현이 프로그래밍 분야에서 생겨났을 가능성이 있습니다.


1. 거적대기 옷이 뭐에요?
거적대기 옷은 눅눅하거나 습한 상태에서의 불편함을 덜어주는 옷입니다. 대표적인 예로는 토끼털 옷 등이 있습니다.

2. 거적 뜻이 뭐에요?
거적은 걱정, 불안, 불편함 등의 부정적인 감정을 나타내는 표현입니다.

3. 거적대기 영어로는 뭐에요?
거적대기의 영어 표현은 ‘uneasiness’입니다.

4. 거적때기 영어로는 뭐에요?
거적때기의 영어 표현은 ‘uneasiness’입니다.

5. 귀뜸 귀띔거적때기 뜻이 뭐에요?
귀뜸은 최상위, 최고, 제일 높은 뜻을 가지고 있습니다. 따라서, 귀뜸 귀띔거적때기는 가장 불편하고 걱정스러운 상황을 의미하는 표현입니다.

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Categories: Top 66 거적때기 뜻

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거적대기 옷

The Korean traditional dress called 거적대기, also known as 거대기, is a unique garment that has a long history dating back to the Joseon Dynasty. This style of traditional Korean clothing is still worn today, especially in formal events such as weddings or other traditional ceremonies.

The word 거적대기 literally means “long coat with big sleeves,” and the design of the garment indeed features long, wide sleeves that extend to the ankle. The overall look of the 거적대기 dress is regal, elegant, and conservative. It presents a modest and proper image of the wearer, fitting for both nobles and commoners.

The Origins of the 거적대기 Dress

The 거적대기 dress traces its origins to the early Joseon period, around the 14th century. During this time, the ruling class used the 거적대기 dress as a formal attire, especially for occasions of state. The garment provided the wearer a sense of prestige and significance. The original design featured a narrow collar with an extended skirt, a diagonal cut line, and short sleeves.

Later on, during the reign of King Sejong the Great in the 15th century, the design of the 거적대기 dress underwent a significant change. The King ushered in a new era of cultural and artistic development in Korea, and with it, he introduced a new etiquette dress code. The new dress code required officials and government workers to wear the 거적대기 dress with wide and long sleeves. The sleeves were designed to be spread out like a bird’s wings, symbolizing the importance of the state officials.

The popularity of the 거적대기 increased further during the late Joseon period, in the 19th century. Women of that period wore the 거적대기 dress with an expanded skirt, resembling a wedding gown. The dress had embroidery work done with various designs and colors, depicting the charm and beauty of Korean femininity.

The Characteristics of the 거적대기 Dress

The 거적대기 dress is designed to cover the wearer entirely, with long sleeves and a long skirt that touches the floor. The dress length varies for men and women, with the men’s version having shorter skirts and the women’s a longer one. The fabric used for the garment is usually silk or cotton, with different colors and patterns.

The most notable feature of the 거적대기 dress is the wide and long sleeves. The sleeves themselves can measure up to six meters in length. The sleeves’ length, symbolizing the wearer’s social status, was significant during the Joseon period, as a person’s status dictated the length and the width of the long sleeves. The sleeves are wide enough to allow the wearer to move their hands freely, making it a comfortable garment to wear.

The dress’s bottom part is designed to make walking easier by allowing the wearer’s legs to move freely while still providing modesty and grace. The skirt’s shape allows the wearer to step forward elegantly and avoid loose fabrics that may get in their way during movement.

Wearing the 거적대기 Dress Today

Today, the 거적대기 dress is not as common as it was in the past. However, it still plays a role in Korean society, specifically during traditional ceremonies and events. The dress is worn mainly by the groom and the bride’s mother at weddings, while men may opt to wear a variation of the dress called the “durumagi.”

Durumagi is a variation of the 거적대기 dress, designed as a short coat with a tube-like collar and wide sleeves. The design is a fusion of the earlier versions of the dress, becoming a practical garment for everyday use. The coat durability and the comfortable feeling it gives made it perfect for commoners during the Joseon period.

The revamped version of the durumagi adapted the traditional coat to modern fashion, made suitable for wearing as a daily outfit. It is now considered a trendy item in Korean fashion, with many young Koreans adopting its style and design.


Q: Is wearing the 거적대기 dress for everyday use practical?

A: The 거적대기 dress is not suitable for everyday use due to its long and wide sleeves that may get in the way of daily activities. It is mostly worn during formal events and traditional ceremonies, such as weddings or other cultural events.

Q: Can anyone wear the 거적대기 dress or is it only reserved for the elite?

A: Anyone can wear the 거적대기 dress. During the Joseon dynasty, the length and width of the sleeves signified the wearer’s social status. However, with the passing of time, the garment became worn by all social classes, ranging from lords to commoners.

Q: Is the 거적대기 dress still relevant in modern Korean society?

A: Although not commonly worn during everyday life, the 거적대기 dress is still relevant in modern Korean society. It is worn during traditional ceremonies and events, such as weddings or other cultural events. The dress serves as a symbol of Korea’s rich heritage and cultural identity.

Q: Is it comfortable to wear the 거적대기 dress?

A: The 거적대기 dress is relatively comfortable to wear, as the fabric is designed to be lightweight and breathable. The long and wide sleeves allow for easy and free movement of the arms, making it a comfortable garment for formal events and traditional ceremonies.

거적 뜻

Korean language is rich with idiomatic expressions and phrases, one of which is “거적 뜻.” The term “거적 뜻” is a combination of two words, “거적” meaning “to leave something or someone behind” and “뜻” meaning “a meaning.” Collectively, the phrase “거적 뜻” can be translated to “leaving behind a certain meaning.” In simpler terms, the phrase conveys the idea of intentionally leaving a message or imparting a message in a vague or indirect way.

In today’s culture of social media and instant messaging, people often resort to using shorthand and abbreviations to keep their conversations brief and quick. While this might save time and effort, it is not always an effective way to communicate ideas effectively. This is where the concept of “거적 뜻” comes into play. By using subtle clues or indirect messages, one can impart a deeper, more meaningful message to the listener or reader.

The use of “거적 뜻” is prevalent in Korean pop culture songs, movies, and dramas. For example, in the song “Ending Scene” by IU, the lyrics go, “In my memories, I’m still walking towards you. But now, I have to act as if I’ve stopped walking towards you.” Through this indirect message, the singer tries to convey her emotions and feelings to the listeners.

Similarly, the use of “거적 뜻” can also be found in Korean dramas, where the actors often use subtle clues or actions to convey their emotions and intentions to their co-actors. In the drama “Crash Landing on You,” the lead actress Yoon Se Ri sends her love interest North Korean soldier Ri Jeong Hyeok a cryptic message through a Gucci necklace, which is her way of expressing her love and affection towards him without saying it directly.

However, the use of “거적 뜻” is not limited to pop culture alone. It is commonly used in daily conversations as well, where speakers often use indirect or subtle messages to convey their thoughts and feelings. For instance, if someone asks you how you feel about a particular person or situation, and you respond with a sigh or a shrug, it can be interpreted as a “거적 뜻” for a negative feeling or emotion towards that person or situation.

The importance of “거적 뜻” lies in its effectiveness to convey a deeper and more meaningful message. For example, if someone wants to apologize for their mistake, they can say it directly or use a “거적 뜻” to convey their regret. By using a “거적 뜻,” the speaker can communicate their thoughts and emotions without making the listener uncomfortable or awkward.


1. Is “거적 뜻” used only in formal situations?

No, “거적 뜻” is commonly used in daily conversations, both formal and informal.

2. Can “거적 뜻” be misinterpreted or misunderstood?

Yes, the use of “거적 뜻” can be misinterpreted or misunderstood if the listener or reader is not able to decode its underlying meaning. It requires a certain amount of personal or contextual knowledge to decipher the message.

3. Can non-Koreans use “거적 뜻”?

As “거적 뜻” is a concept in Korean language and culture, it might be challenging for non-Koreans to use it effectively. However, it is possible to use indirect messages or clues to convey a deeper meaning in any language.

4. Is “거적 뜻” limited to verbal communication only?

No, “거적 뜻” can be conveyed through various means, including actions, gestures, and non-verbal cues.

5. Is “거적 뜻” commonly used in written communication?

Yes, “거적 뜻” is commonly used in written communication, including social media and messaging apps, where users often use shorthand and abbreviations to convey their messages effectively. By using a “거적 뜻,” the users can communicate their thoughts and emotions without being too direct or explicit.

In conclusion, “거적 뜻” is a unique concept in Korean language and culture that emphasizes the importance of indirect or subtle messages to convey a deeper and more meaningful message. It is commonly used in pop culture, daily conversations, and written communication to convey emotions, thoughts, and feelings in a nuanced and effective way. While it requires a certain amount of personal or contextual knowledge to decode its underlying meaning, the use of “거적 뜻” is an effective way to communicate with others while maintaining a certain level of distance and privacy.

거적대기 영어로

In Korea, people often have to wait in a designated area for transportation, such as for a ride from a friend or for a taxi. This area is known as the “거적대기” or “geojik daegi,” which roughly translates to waiting area for pick-up.

While there is no official definition for the term “거적대기,” it is commonly used and understood throughout Korea. The concept of a waiting area for pick-up is not unique to Korea, but the term has become a part of everyday language and culture.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the phenomenon of “거적대기” and explore its origins, rules, and etiquette. We will also provide a FAQ section to answer some common questions about this cultural phenomenon.

Origins of “거적대기”

The origins of “거적대기” can be traced back to the rise of personal transportation and the resulting increase in the number of people needing rides to specific locations. Prior to the widespread use of personal cars, public transportation was the primary mode of transportation, and waiting for a bus or a train was simply a part of everyday life.

However, with the rise of personal cars, the need for a designated waiting area for pick-up became more prevalent. This is because personal cars are often used by individuals to go to specific locations, rather than along a pre-determined route like public transportation. This means that the person picking someone up needs to know exactly where to go, and the person being picked up needs to be in a specific place at a specific time.

Over time, the concept of “거적대기” became more common and ingrained in Korean culture. Several factors contributed to this, including the rise of social media and texting, which made it easier for people to communicate and coordinate pick-ups. Additionally, the increase in traffic and congestion in many Korean cities meant that it was often easier to wait in a designated area rather than try to navigate through the crowded streets.

Rules and Etiquette of “거적대기”

The rules and etiquette of “거적대기” can vary depending on the location and the individual. However, there are some general guidelines that are commonly followed.

Firstly, it is important to know where the designated area for pick-up is located. This is often marked with signs or symbols, and can be found at airports, train stations, and other transportation hubs.

Once you have located the designated area, it is important to wait patiently and try not to block the area. Avoid standing in the middle of the designated area or blocking other people who are also waiting for pick-ups. Instead, find a place to stand or sit that is out of the way and easy to access.

Another important consideration is the timing of the pick-up. If you are the person being picked up, make sure to arrive at the designated area on time. If you are the person picking someone up, try to arrive a few minutes early to ensure that you can easily find the person you are picking up.

Finally, it is important to communicate with the person you are picking up and make sure that they know where to go and what to look for. This can be done through texting or calling, and can help to minimize confusion and frustration.

FAQs About “거적대기”

Q: Is “거적대기” only used for personal transportation, or can it also be used for other purposes?
A: While “거적대기” is most commonly associated with waiting for personal transportation, it can also be used for other purposes. For example, it can be used as a meeting spot for friends or business associates.

Q: Are there any specific rules or etiquette for “거적대기” at airports or other transportation hubs?
A: Yes, there are often specific rules and etiquette for “거적대기” at airports and other transportation hubs. These can include designated waiting areas, time limits for parking or waiting, and restrictions on who can enter the area.

Q: Can “거적대기” be dangerous?
A: While “거적대기” itself is not inherently dangerous, it can sometimes be a target for criminals or other dangerous individuals. It is important to be aware of your surroundings and take appropriate precautions to ensure your safety.

Q: What should I do if I am unable to find my pick-up at the designated area?
A: If you are unable to find your pick-up at the designated area, try calling or texting them to see if they can give you more specific directions. If you are still unable to locate them, consider waiting in a nearby area or asking for help from an airport or transportation employee.

Q: How has “거적대기” changed over time?
A: “거적대기” has changed over time as a result of changing technology and cultural norms. For example, the rise of smartphones and social media has made it easier to communicate and coordinate pick-ups, while the increase in traffic and congestion has made designated waiting areas more common.


In Korea, “거적대기” is a common phenomenon that has become a part of everyday language and culture. While it may seem like a minor aspect of daily life, it can have a significant impact on transportation and social interactions. By following the rules and etiquette associated with “거적대기,” individuals can help to ensure a smoother and more efficient transportation experience.

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