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Trang chủ » 거미 그대라서: 내 안의 감정을 폭발시킨 이 노래의 진실된 의미 (클릭하세요!)

거미 그대라서: 내 안의 감정을 폭발시킨 이 노래의 진실된 의미 (클릭하세요!)

그대라서 (그대라서)

거미 그대라서

거미 그대라서

한국 가수 거미는 그녀의 진솔한 가사와 감정적인 노래로 유명하다. 그녀의 수많은 히트곡 중에서 “그대라서”는 특히 이목을 끄는 곡이다. 이 곡은 사랑에 빠진 사람이 그 사랑이 서랍 속에 갇혀 버린 채로 지나가는 모습을 노래한 곡이다. 이번에는 거미의 “그대라서”에 대해 살펴보도록 하자.

거미 그대라서 가사

가사의 시작은 “차가운 서랍 속에 갇혀버린 사랑을 찾게 만든 그대. 내 마음 거기서 멈춰버렸나봐”로 시작된다. 거미는 이어서 “그대라서 내 마음을 움직이는 목소리가 들린다. 그대라서 흘러가는 인생 여정에서 위로와 격려가 된다”고 노래한다. 노래가 진행될 수록 거미는 그대로부터 받은 상처와 슬픔을 “어깨에 지는 걱정과 두려움”으로 비유하며 그대와 함께 꿈과 희망으로 세상을 향해 나아가고자 하는 마음을 노래한다.

노래의 후반부에서는 “그대라서 모든 난관을 극복할 용기와 힘이 된다. 그대라서 무대 위에서 드러내는 열정과 끈기, 그대라서 절대 포기하지 않는 인내와 믿음이 나를 다독인다”며, 그대와 함께 살아가는 것에 대한 용기와 자신감을 노래한다.

그대라서 드라마

거미의 “그대라서”는 2014년 MBC 드라마 “학교 2013”의 OST로 사용되었다. 이 드라마는 고등학교를 배경으로 한 청춘 드라마로 많은 시청자들의 사랑을 받았다. 이 OST를 통해 거미는 많은 드라마 팬들의 마음을 사로잡을 수 있었다.

거미 눈꽃

거미의 대표곡 중 하나인 “눈꽃”은 2004년에 발매되었다. 이 곡은 그녀의 감성적인 목소리와 작곡가 윤종신의 감미로운 멜로디, 가사가 결합되어 만들어진 곡으로 발매된 후 수많은 사랑을 받았다. 영화 “눈꽃: 비밀의 문”의 OST로도 사용되어 더욱 유명해졌다.

거미 노래

“그대라서” 외에도 거미는 수많은 히트곡을 불러왔다. “다시 사랑할 수 있을까”, “아프다”, “미안해” 등 수많은 대중적인 곡은 이제껏 극장 안밖에서 자주 소개되고 있다. 거미는 그녀의 감성적인 보컬과 감동적인 라이브 공연으로 많은 팬을 확보하고 있다.

죽어도 사랑해

2014년 발매된 거미의 앨범 “죽어도 사랑해”는 그녀의 노래에 대한 새로운 시도로 평가받았다. 이 앨범은 EDM과 락의 구성요소를 혼합하여 현대적인 사운드로 표현되었다. 그 결과 이 앨범은 많은 리스너로부터 호평을 받았으며, 대한민국 음악 시장에서 거미의 지위를 다시한번 확고히 하게 되었다.

가수 거미노래모음

거미는 “자작곡 모음집”을 비롯해 발매한 여러 매체에 수록된 수많은 노래를 보유하고 있다. 그녀의 대표곡이기도 한 “눈꽃”뿐 아니라 “다시 사랑할 수 있을까”, “아프다”, “미안해” 등 거미의 많은 히트곡이 모여있는 앨범도 있으며, 그녀의 다양한 면모를 만날 수 있다.

거미 친구라도 될 걸 그랬어

거미는 그녀의 팬들과의 교감을 중요하게 생각하며, “거미 친구라도 될 걸 그랬어”라는 곡을 통해 그녀의 지지자들에게 감사와 사랑을 전한다. 이 노래는 그녀가 팬들과 함께 있으며, 그녀의 음악을 사랑하는 이들과 함께할 수 있었음에 감사함을 전하는 노래이다.

너 목보 거미

그녀의 대표적인 발라드 가수 중 하나인 거미는 “너 목보 거미” 라는 노래로 이전에 문제가 된 바 있다. 이 노래의 가사에 “너 목보 거미 같은 유충”이라는 부분이 포함되어 있어 이는 일부 네티즌들에게 논란을 일으켰다. 평소에 거미는 가사를 작성할 때 민감한 문제를 피하려 노력하지만, 이번 이슈를 통해 음악가들이 가사 작업을 할 때 더욱 민감한 주제를 배제해야 한다는 사실을 인지하게 되었다.


Q1. 거미가 “그대라서” 곡을 발표한 날짜는 언제인가요?
A1: 거미의 “그대라서” 곡은 2013년에 발표되었습니다.

Q2. 거미가 “그대라서” 곡을 드라마 OST로 발매한 드라마는 무엇인가요?
A2: 거미의 “그대라서” 곡은 2014년 MBC 드라마 “학교 2013”의 OST로 사용되었습니다.

Q3. “거미 친구라도 될 걸 그랬어” 노래의 내용은 무엇인가요?
A3: “거미 친구라도 될 걸 그랬어”노래는 거미와 그녀의 지지자들 간의 교감을 중요시하는 곡으로, 그녀가 팬들과 함께 있으며, 노래를 사랑하는 이들과 함께할 수 있었음에 감사함을 전하는 노래입니다.

Q4. “너 목보 거미” 노래에서 발생한 문제는 무엇인가요?
A4: “너 목보 거미”라는 노래의 발매 이후 일부 네티즌들에게 논란을 일으킨 바가 있습니다. 이 노래의 가사에 “너 목보 거미 같은 유충”이라는 부분이 포함되어 있어 이는 일부 네티즌들에게 논란을 일으켰습니다.

Keywords searched by users: 거미 그대라서 거미 그대라서 가사, 그대라서 드라마, 거미 눈꽃, 거미 노래, 죽어도 사랑해, 가수 거미노래모음, 거미 친구라도 될 걸 그랬어, 너 목보 거미

Categories: Top 99 거미 그대라서

그대라서 (그대라서)

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거미 그대라서 가사

거미 그대라서 가사

“거미 그대라서” is a Korean song that was released by a South Korean ballad singer, Yoon Jong Shin in 2015. The song was instantly a hit and gained immense popularity among audiences. It features a heartfelt melody and poignant lyrics that speak to listeners’ emotions.

The song tells the story of a person who has been left heartbroken and unable to go on with life but finds comfort in the thought of their love. The lyrics, translated into English, state, “The world is dark, and I have nothing to hold onto. You left me alone, and I’m tired and exhausted. But even in my darkness, I can see you. You are my light and my reason to keep going.”

“거미 그대라서” is a powerful song that touches on a universal theme of heartbreak and the healing power of love. It resonates with listeners who have experienced the pain of losing a loved one and finding comfort in holding onto memories of their love.

Let’s take a closer look at the lyrics and delve deeper into the meaning behind this heartbreaking yet beautiful song.

Lyrics Analysis

The song starts with a simple yet powerful image of a dark and lonely world. The narrator expresses their desperation in not having anything to hold onto and feeling lost in the darkness. However, the chorus is where the song truly shines.

The chorus is composed of the poignant lyrics, “Because it’s you, I hold on. Because it’s you, I see. You are my light, you are my memory that will never be extinguished.”

The first line speaks to the theme of holding onto the memory of a lost love. The narrator’s love for the person they have lost has become so intertwined with who they are that they cannot let go. It is this love that pulls them through their darkest moments.

The second line is about seeing their love in everything around them. Even in the darkness, they can see glimpses of their love and the impact they have had on their life. This line is a recognition of the enduring nature of their love and how a presence can be felt even in absence.

The final line is about holding onto memories of love and how they will never be extinguished. This line speaks to both the beauty and the heartbreak of love and how the memories of a love can be just as powerful as the love itself.

Throughout the song, there is a consistent theme of finding beauty in the pain of heartbreak. The narrator speaks of the endless pain of losing a loved one but finds peace in the memory of their love.


Q: Who wrote the song, “거미 그대라서”?

A: The song was written by Yoon Jong Shin, who is also the performer.

Q: What inspired Yoon Jong Shin to write the song?

A: Yoon Jong Shin has not publicly commented on what inspired him to write the song.

Q: What genre is “거미 그대라서”?

A: It is classified as a ballad and features a heart-wrenching melody with emotional lyrics.

Q: Who is the song about?

A: The song is about a lost love and the pain of heartbreak.

Q: What is the meaning behind the title, “거미 그대라서”?

A: The title translates to “Because it’s You, Spider” in English. The title is a metaphor for the idea that even though the narrator has lost their love, they feel like a spider web holding onto the memories of their love.

Q: What is the lasting impact of “거미 그대라서”?

A: The song has become a classic ballad and continues to resonate with audiences across generations. It has been covered by several Korean singers and has become a staple at karaoke bars in South Korea.


“거미 그대라서” is a timeless ballad that continues to touch audiences’ hearts with its emotional lyrics and heart-wrenching melody. The song is about the pain of heartbreak and the healing power of love. It speaks to the universal human experience of loss and the beauty that can be found in holding onto love’s memories.

As a piece of art, “거미 그대라서” is an excellent example of how music can convey complex emotions and capture the human experience in a song’s lyrics and melody. The song has become an enduring classic and will undoubtedly continue to touch the hearts of listeners for generations to come.

그대라서 드라마

그대라서 (Because This is My First Life) is a unique romantic-comedy drama that aired in Korea in 2017. The drama stars Lee Min-ki as Nam Se-hee and Jung So-min as Yoon Ji-ho. The duo, who are perfect strangers, find themselves living together as housemates to share in living expenses. The drama was widely successful, and it instantly became a favorite among K-drama fans worldwide. In this article, we will be diving into why this drama is so popular and provides a FAQ section for those who haven’t seen it.

The Plot

Nam Se-hee is a cold-hearted software designer who lives by himself. On the other hand, Yoon Ji-ho is a struggling writer who has yet to find success in her writing career. The two meet when Ji-ho is looking to rent a cheap room to save on her expenses. Se-hee suggests that they live together under the same roof to share in the expenses. Thus, the two perfect strangers begin living together as housemates.

The drama follows the daily lives of the two characters, who share some hilarious and awkward moments. Despite the differences in their personalities, both Se-hee and Ji-ho face similar challenges in their respective careers and love lives.

As the story unfolds, the housemates form a deep bond that slowly blossoms into a romantic interest. The drama explores the themes of love, marriage, family, friendships, and the pressure of societal norms and expectations. This drama is more than your average romance comedy as it addresses the harsh reality of the challenges that come with adulthood.

Why is it So Popular?

There are several reasons why Because This is My First Life gained so much success and popularity among K-drama fans. Here are some of the reasons:

Realistic Portrayal of Adulthood

One of the biggest selling points of this drama is that it portrays the challenges and struggles that come with adulting. The drama goes not only to explore the challenges that one can face in their love life but also tackles the heavy burden that comes with societal expectations.

The drama takes a realistic approach to tackle real-life issues such as job enjoyment, debt, marriage, and parental pressure. The characters are relatable, and their struggles resonate with most people’s everyday reality. This realistic portrayal of adulthood is something that attracted viewers to this drama.

Strong Characters

The leading characters, Nam Se-hee and Yoon Ji-ho, are both strong, well-developed characters that are also relatable. Se-hee is a straightforward character who shows indifference towards other people and has a hard time opening up. Meanwhile, Ji-ho is more expressive and bubbly, but she too faces her own set of challenges.

Both characters are highly likable, and their chemistry is excellent, which makes it easy to root for them. The supporting characters, such as the roommates and work colleagues, are also intriguing, with their own unique quirks and personalities that make the drama all the more enjoyable to watch.

Fresh Storyline

While the K-drama industry has produced several romantic-comedies, Because This is My First Life is unique in terms of its storyline. The drama tackles topics in a refreshing and innovative way, such as how the characters approach marriage without love as well as the pressure to have children.

The drama also explores the concept of a “marriage contract,” in which a couple enters into an agreement to marry for convenience rather than out of love. This fresh storyline drew attention from viewers who were looking for something new and exciting in the romance genre.


Q: What is the main theme of Because This is My First Life?

A: The main theme of the drama is love and its challenges in adulthood. The drama also explores societal expectations regarding career, marriage, and starting a family.

Q: Why is this drama so popular?

A: The drama is popular because of its realistic portrayal of the challenges of adulthood, strong and well-developed characters, a fresh storyline, and excellent chemistry between the lead characters.

Q: Is the drama worth watching?

A: Yes, the drama is worth watching because of its unique storyline, relatable characters, and honest portrayal of the challenges that people face in life.

Q: Is there a love triangle in the drama?

A: No, there is no love triangle in the drama.

Q: Is the drama family-friendly?

A: The drama is family-friendly, but with some adult themes.


Because This is My First Life is an excellent romantic-comedy drama that is both unique and relatable. The drama stands out for its honesty in portraying the struggles of adulthood that most people face. The storyline is fresh and innovative, while the characters, including the supporting cast, are well-developed and likable.

The popularity of the drama is evident in its viewership and several awards it has won. Because This is My First Life is a must-watch drama that will leave you with a new perspective on love, relationships, and life.

거미 눈꽃

거미 눈꽃, also known as “spider snow,” is a unique weather phenomenon that occurs during cold winter months in Korea. It is a natural wonder that has fascinated people for many years, and it is a beautiful sight to behold. In this article, we will explore what 거미 눈꽃 is, how it is formed, where you can see it, and FAQs about this natural marvel.

What is 거미 눈꽃?

거미 눈꽃, which translates to “spider snow” in English, is a rare and beautiful weather phenomenon that occurs during the winter months in Korea. It is named as such due to its resemblance to spider webs and snowflakes combined. This natural phenomenon is a result of water vapor in the air freezing and forming small ice crystals.

The ice crystals are small and delicate, which is why they are called spider snow. When viewed from a distance, it looks like small snowflakes floating in the air. However, when viewed up close, it looks like small spider webs.

How is 거미 눈꽃 formed?

거미 눈꽃 is formed when the temperature is minus five to minus 10 degrees Celsius and there is no wind. When the water vapor freezes, it forms ice crystals that are extremely small, which create the spider web-like shapes.

This phenomenon occurs when there is a significant amount of moisture in the air. As the temperature drops, the moisture in the air begins to freeze, creating these delicate spider web structures. The delicacy of these spider webs makes it a rare phenomenon, as it requires the right temperature and moisture in the air to occur.

Where can you see 거미 눈꽃?

거미 눈꽃 can be seen in various parts of Korea during the winter months, especially near the mountains. Some of the best places to view 거미 눈꽃 are in Gyeonggi Province, Gangwon Province, and Jeju Island. The spider snow is most commonly found in mountains where the air is still and the temperature is cold.

One of the more popular places to see this phenomenon is at the Baegyangsa Temple, located in Naejangsan National Park in Jeolla Province. The temple is known for the beautiful spider snow formations that occur around it during the winter months. Another popular spot is the Seoraksan National Park in Gangwon Province, where the spider snow can be seen in the early morning hours.

FAQs about 거미 눈꽃

1. How long does 거미 눈꽃 last?
The duration of 거미 눈꽃 depends on the amount of moisture in the air and the temperature. The spider snow typically lasts for a few hours before it melts away. However, it can last for longer if the temperature remains below minus 10 degrees Celsius.

2. What is the best time to see 거미 눈꽃?
The best time to see 거미 눈꽃 is in the early morning hours when there is stillness in the air. This is because the spider snow is delicate and can easily be blown away by wind. Therefore, it is important to visit the location early in the morning, before any breeze picks up.

3. Is 거미 눈꽃 dangerous?
거미 눈꽃 is not dangerous, as it is a natural weather phenomenon. However, it is important to dress appropriately for the cold temperatures when visiting the areas where it occurs. It is also important to be cautious when driving or walking on icy roads or sidewalks.

4. Can I touch 거미 눈꽃?
While it may be tempting to touch the delicate spider snow structures, it is best not to touch them. This is because the ice crystals are extremely fragile and can easily break with even the slightest touch.

5. Is 거미 눈꽃 common?
거미 눈꽃 is not a common phenomenon as it requires specific temperature and moisture conditions to occur. It can only be observed during certain times of the year when the air is still, and the temperature is below minus 10 degrees Celsius.


거미 눈꽃, also known as spider snow, is a rare and beautiful natural phenomenon that occurs during the winter months in Korea. The delicate spider web-like structures are a result of frozen water vapor in the air and can only be observed under specific temperature and moisture conditions. It is a sight to behold and can be seen in various locations around Korea, especially near mountains. While it may be a rare occurrence, exploring the great outdoors during winter months in Korea is a great way to take advantage of this natural wonder.

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그대라서 (그대라서)

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