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거미입니다만 문제라도 16권, 오늘 바로 확인하세요!

【애니리뷰 TMI】 눈물 없이 볼수없는

거미입니다만 문제라도 16권

거미에 대한 정보

거미는 동물계의 크고 작은 다리로 이루어진 절지동물 중 하나입니다. 개체가 작을수록 태생이 달라져 직감근과 간접근의 차이뿐만 아니라 흡혈까지 해야 하는 종이 존재합니다. 하나의 거미는 기미, 눈, 복부, 유독선, 직감근, 간접근, 몸통, 다리, 후복부로 이루어져 있으며 그 종류와 구조는 굉장히 다양합니다.

거미는 전 세계적으로 분포하며 기민한 움직임과 강력한 독을 특징으로 합니다. 그래서 영화나 드라마에서도 종종 나오며, 가까이 다가가지도 않는 모습 때문에 독특하고 고압적인 느낌을 일깨웁니다.

《거미입니다만》 웹툰 개요

2018년 이현서 작가가 만든 ‘거미입니다만’은 독특한 스타일의 웹툰으로 빠른 속도로 인기를 모았습니다. 이 작품은 생물학과 스타일리쉬한 요소가 정말 이국적인 느낌을 줍니다.

이 웹툰은 신비한 서민규와 같은 소년이 주인공입니다. 이 도시의 모든 사람들이 사용하는 수요조절 스타음격에 의해 그들의 삶은 완벽한 형태로 유지됩니다. 그러나 서민규는 다른 사람과는 달리 이 역할에 대한 근본적인 의문을 가지고 있습니다. 이 역할은 실제로 몇몇 극초에서 경험할 수 있는 진화현상인데, 사람들이 그것을 인식하더라도 어떠한 역할도 발휘하지 않습니다.

그러나 서민규는 엄청난 특별성을 가진 ‘거미’ 라는 끔찍한 생물의 존재를 발견합니다. 서민규는 자신이 이러한 ‘거미’와 관련이 있다는 것도 발견하게 되는데 그것은 관련이 있는 건양식을 찾을 수 있는 키입니다. 그래서 서민규는 그것을 찾아 자신의 진짜 기록을 알아내고 다른 극한 평면에서 살아남을 수 있는 기회를 마련하려고 합니다.

웹툰에서의 인물 소개

서민규는 이 웹툰의 주인공입니다. 그는 17세이며 다른 사람들과는 달리 그의 역할에 대해 진지하게 결의를 내립니다. 그는 ‘거미’를 끔찍한 생물이라 생각했지만 실제로 그것을 통해 다른 극한 평면에서 살아남을 방법을 찾기 시작합니다.

들꽃은 서민규의 유일한 친구입니다. 그는 말이 없지만 같은 방법으로 생각합니다. 들꽃은 서민규가 접근할 수 없는 극한 평면으로 이동할 수 있습니다.

작품 분석

이 초현실적인 작품에서는, 진화를 거쳐 다양한 종이 탄생한다는 생물학의 개념에서 시작하여, 합리성과 자유를 지원하는 사람들과 강력한 통제 구조에서 살아가야 하는 거미라는 생물 사이의 대립을 다룹니다. 이 작품에서는 우연이 아닌 선택, 사랑이 아닌 복종, 그리고 자유로운 선택적 진화가 진정한 발전의 척도라고 주장합니다.

때로는 이 작품에서 제시된 메시지를 ‘아름답지 않은 진리’ 라고도 부릅니다. 스튜디오 루후는 이웃, 비교를 통한 경쟁에서 벗어난 이 웹툰 속의 메시지를 매우 직업적인 방법으로 표현했다고 평가했습니다. 또한 이 웹툰은 작가들 사이에서 서로의 작품을 분석하는게 일반적인 작가들의 모임인 ‘클럽’에서도 논의되었었습니다.

작가의 세계관과 메시지

이 이현서 작가의 메시지는 신뢰, 자유, 위험, 선택적인 진화입니다. 이 작품은 방속한 것이 아닌 방까지 나아가서 사유하는 가치를 알아가는 과정으로서 방에서 가장 중요한 것은 “생각” 으로 그것은 언제나 개인의 선택에 따라 달라집니다.

또한 이 작품에서는 생각의 주요 관심사가 합리성이 아니라 ‘선택’임을 보여줍니다. 이 작품에서는 개인의 선택에 따라 세상의 모든 것들이 뒤바뀔 수 있다는 메시지를 전달합니다.

독자들의 리액션과 반응

《거미입니다만》은 시대의 변화와 핵심적 이슈를 미리 예측한 작품으로 세대를 불문하고 폭넓은 인기를 끌고 있습니다.

특히 거미의 작품에서는 독특하고 생소한 요소가 무척 많습니다. 이것은 독자들이 대부분 경험할 수 없는 와일드한 경험이기 때문에 더욱 혁신적이고 새로운 의미가 더해집니다. 그래서 거미의 작품은 무수한 팬층을 확보해냈습니다.

《거미입니다만》 후속작 예상

현재 《거미입니다만》 15권이 출시되어 있으며, 거미에서는 이제 소식은 나오지 않고 있습니다. 그러나 이후 《거미입니다만 문제라도 16권》을 기대하는 팬들이 많이 있습니다.

특히 15권의 결말에서는 서민규가 극한 차원에서 Nudey와 만난 후 긴 시간과 노력 끝에 문제 라도 이 결말에 대해 가슴에 돌아가는 사람과 그가 모든것을 바꿀수 있을지 말할 수없는 방식으로 작가가 작품에서 암시하고 있습니다.


거미입니다만 문제라도 16권 번역은 언제 나올까요?

현재 거미입니다만 문제라도 16권의 출시 예정일은 알려지지 않았습니다.

거미입니다만 문제라도 16권 pdf, 텍본, e북은 구매 가능한가요?

현재 거미입니다만 문제라도 16권의 pdf, 텍본, e북은 아직 출시되지 않았습니다.

거미입니다만 문제라도 16권이 가지고 있을 일러스트는 어떤 것들이 있을까요?

현재 거미입니다만 문제라도 16권의 일러스트에 대한 정보는 알려지지 않았습니다.

거미입니다만 문제라도 15권부터 16권까지 다운로드 가능한 사이트는 어디인가요?

웹툰은 웹툰사이트 또는 앱을 통해서 구매하실 수 있습니다.

거미입니다만 문제라도 완결 텍본은 언제 출시될까요?

현재 거미입니다만 문제라도 완결 텍본에 대한 출시 예정일은 알려지지 않았습니다.

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Categories: Top 53 거미입니다만 문제라도 16권

【애니리뷰 TMI】 눈물 없이 볼수없는 \”라스\” 스토리 거미입니다만 문제라도?

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거미입니다만 문제라도 16권 번역

거미입니다만, or “I am a Spider, So What?” is a popular light novel series in Japan written by Okina Baba. It is now also available in Korean and being published by NovelEngine. The series follows the story of a high school girl who is reincarnated into a spider monster in a dungeon-like world. With sixteen volumes translated into Korean, let’s take a closer look at the series.

The Plot

The protagonist of the series is a high school girl who, along with her classmates, is transported to a fantasy world filled with magic and deadly creatures. However, instead of being reincarnated as a human hero, she finds herself in the body of a small spider monster. She quickly has to adapt to her new form and the harsh environment of the dungeon, where she must fight for survival against other monsters and gain strength and skills to become stronger.

Throughout the series, the protagonist uses her intelligence, strategy, and quick thinking to overcome seemingly impossible challenges. She also meets other characters, including humans, monsters, and gods that help her along the way as she navigates through this dangerous world.

As the story progresses, the plot becomes more complex as the protagonist learns about the secrets and power struggles between different factions in the world. The story also explores themes such as identity, morality, and the meaning of power.

The Characters

The protagonist of the story is a spider monster and is referred to as “Kumoko” by the other characters. She is an intelligent and cunning character who uses her spider abilities to solve problems and outsmart her enemies. While she starts off weak, she steadily grows in power and becomes a formidable force.

The other characters in the story include humans, demons, and gods. Each character has their own backstory, motivations, and personalities that make them unique and interesting. Some of the characters also have connections to the protagonist’s past life and offer clues about how she ended up in this world as a spider monster.

The Translation

The Korean translation of “I am a Spider, So What?” is being published by NovelEngine and is available in sixteen volumes. The translation is faithful to the original Japanese text and captures the humor, action, and emotional moments of the story.

Some of the challenges in translating the series include the use of Japanese and fantasy-specific terminology that can be difficult to translate. However, the translator does a good job of explaining these terms in the footnotes or using Korean equivalents that make the story easy to follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is “I am a Spider, So What?” only for fans of the isekai genre?

A: While the series falls under the isekai (or another world) genre, it offers a unique take on the trope by having the protagonist reincarnated as a spider monster instead of a human hero. The story also explores complex themes and has well-developed characters that make it appealing to a wider audience.

Q: How does the protagonist’s spider form affect the story?

A: The protagonist’s spider form adds a unique twist to the typical isekai story and offers a fresh perspective on the genre. It also allows for creative battle scenes and problem-solving moments that make the story exciting and engaging.

Q: Is the series appropriate for all ages?

A: The series is rated for ages 15 and up due to its violence and some mature themes. However, it is not overly graphic or explicit and is suitable for most readers.

Q: Will there be more volumes translated into Korean?

A: Yes, at the time of writing, the Korean translation is ongoing, and more volumes are expected to be released in the future.

Q: Is there an anime adaptation of the series?

A: Yes, an anime adaptation of the series is currently airing in Japan and is being simulcasted on Crunchyroll. There is no confirmation for a Korean broadcast yet.


“I am a Spider, So What?” is a unique and exciting addition to the isekai genre. With its engaging plot, well-developed characters, and creative use of the spider monster protagonist, it offers a fresh take on the typical isekai story. The Korean translation by NovelEngine is faithful to the original text and makes the story accessible to Korean readers. With more volumes expected to be translated in the future and an anime adaptation currently airing, now is an excellent time to jump into this thrilling series.

거미입니다만 문제라도 16권 pdf

거미입니다만, also known as “I’m a Spider, So What?”, is a popular light novel series written by Okina Baba and illustrated by Tsukasa Kiryu. The series first debuted in 2015 and has since then amassed a large following. The story revolves around a high school student who is reincarnated as a spider in a fantasy world and her journey to survive and grow stronger in a dangerous dungeon filled with monsters. Recently, fans of the series have been buzzing about the release of the 16th volume in PDF format, which has brought renewed attention to the series. In this article, we will explore the world of 거미입니다만, its latest release, and why it has captured the hearts of so many people.

Story Overview: Reincarnation as a Spider

The story follows the struggles of a high school student who is suddenly killed in an accident and finds herself reincarnated as a spider in a dangerous fantasy world. She quickly discovers that she is trapped in a dungeon filled with monsters and must fight for survival. The spider, who later identifies herself as Kumoko, must use her wits and newfound abilities to navigate the treacherous dungeon and become stronger.

Through Kumoko’s journey, readers are introduced to a wide range of fantastical creatures, from dragons to elves, who are also trying to survive in this world. Kumoko’s unquenchable thirst for knowledge and powerful skills give her a fighting chance to survive through trial after trial.

Despite Kumoko’s struggles, she remains upbeat and humorous throughout the series which never fails to bring a smile to readers. The story seamlessly blends humor with action and suspense, making the series an interesting and engaging read.

The Latest Release: Volume 16 PDF

Fans of the series have been eagerly waiting for the release of the sixteenth volume, which was first announced in 2020. The release was meant to happen in September but was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Luckily, the wait is finally over with the release of volume 16 in PDF format.

The newest volume follows Kumoko’s growth in power and her increasing influence on other characters in the series. Her status as a powerful spider has earned her a certain level of respect and admiration among the other creatures in the dungeon.

The new volume introduces new challenges and Kuwako’s determination to overcome them. Fans will be delighted to see more growth from Kumoko’s character and the continuation of her epic journey.

Why it’s Popular: The Appeal of 거미입니다만

The series’ popularity can be attributed to its unique premise, compelling characters, and engaging storyline. Unlike other light novels that often center around male protagonists, 거미입니다만 features a female protagonist navigating a dangerous world and using her skills to survive. Kumoko’s wit, intelligence, and fierce determination resonate with many readers and make her a relatable character.

Moreover, the series’ blend of humor and action captures readers’ attention and keeps them engaged. Readers are kept on the edge of their seats as they follow Kumoko’s journey of survival and growth.

The story also explores relevant themes such as the value of life and the importance of friendship, making it a heartwarming read. Kumoko’s interactions with other characters, including humans and monsters, demonstrate the power of compassion and empathy.

Lastly, the series’ world-building is impressive as it builds a fully realized world that entices readers with its unique creatures, magic system and game-like mechanics. The dungeon and its deeper sections are carefully crafted to be a dangerous and deadly place. Also, the system of levels and abilities drives the progression of Kumoko’s character and allows for an entertaining power growth without feeling too forced or too slow.

FAQs: Answers to Your Questions about 거미입니다만

Q: How long is the series?

A: Currently, the series has 16 volumes, but it is still ongoing. However, the author Okina Baba has hinted that the story will be ending soon.

Q: Is this the only format in which the books are available?

A: No. In addition to the PDF format, the books are also available in paperback and eBook formats.

Q: What is the recommended age group for this series?

A: The series is labeled for ‘light novel’ readers, meaning it is targeted towards young adults aged 13 and up.

Q: Is there an anime adaptation of the series?

A: Yes, there is an anime adaptation of the series that premiered in January 2021. The animation captures the essence of the story and the character designs are faithful to the original.

Q: Is the series in English?

A: Yes, an English-translated version of the light novel is available. The official English version by Yen Press is up to volume 10, with new volumes scheduled to release in the future.

In conclusion, 거미입니다만, with its unique premise, compelling characters, and engaging storyline, has captured the attention of readers all over the world. The latest release of volume 16 in PDF format has fans talking once again and eagerly awaiting the next installment. With its humor, action, and heartwarming themes, 거미입니다만 is a must-read for anyone who loves a good light novel.

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