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Trang chủ » 건 건 ngữ pháp: 초보자가 반드시 알아야할 문법요소 (클릭하여 자세히 알아보세요!)

건 건 ngữ pháp: 초보자가 반드시 알아야할 문법요소 (클릭하여 자세히 알아보세요!)

A/V-건 (간에)

건 건 ngữ pháp

건 건 Ngữ Pháp: Understanding the Basics of Korean Grammar

Korean is a fascinating language with a rich history and culture. Whether you are interested in K-pop, K-dramas, or planning a trip to South Korea, learning the language can be a rewarding experience. However, Korean grammar can be challenging for beginners. One of the most fundamental grammatical structures in Korean is 건 건 ngữ pháp, which is often translated as “if/when something happens.” In this article, we’ll explore the basics of 건 건 ngữ pháp and other essential grammatical structures in Korean.

가장 기초적인 건 건 ngữ pháp 개념 이해하기

건 건 ngữ pháp is a way to express a hypothetical situation that may or may not happen. It’s similar to the English phrase “if/when something happens.” The structure of 건 건 ngữ pháp is [verb stem or adjective stem] + 건/는 건데. The verb or adjective stem before 건/는 건데 is typically in the present tense or base form. Here are some examples to illustrate:

– 먹다 (to eat) → 먹는 건데 (if/when I eat)
– 오다 (to come) → 오는 건데 (if/when I come)
– 바쁘다 (to be busy) → 바쁜 건데 (if/when I’m busy)

Note that in Korean, the subject is often implied, so you don’t need to include it explicitly. For example, in the sentence 먹는 건데, the subject “I” is implied.

건 건 ngữ pháp can also be used to express a reason or excuse for something. In this case, it’s similar to the English phrase “because (the fact that) something happens.” Here are some examples:

– 비가 온다는 건데 나중에 가야겠어요. (Because it’s going to rain, I need to go later.)
– 울고 싶은 건데 왜 말 못하니? (The reason I want to cry is, why can’t I speak?)

관계 대명사 사용법 알아보기

Another crucial aspect of Korean grammar is the use of relative pronouns. Relative pronouns are words that connect a clause to a noun or pronoun. In English, some common relative pronouns are “who,” “whom,” “which,” and “that.” In Korean, the most common relative pronouns are -은/-는, -이/-가, and -을/-를.

The relative pronoun -은/-는 is used to refer to a noun that is mentioned earlier in the sentence. It’s similar to the English word “that.” Here are some examples:

– 우리가 갔던 곳은 산이었다. (The place we went to was a mountain.)
– 그 분은 제 회사에 일하시는 분입니다. (The person who works at my company.)

The relative pronoun -이/-가 is used to introduce a new noun or identify a specific noun out of several options. It’s similar to the English words “who” and “which.” Here are some examples:

– 내가 만난 여자는 영어 선생님이었다. (The woman who I met was an English teacher.)
– 이 책은 내가 읽고 싶은 책이야. (This book is the book that I want to read.)

The relative pronoun -을/-를 is used to refer to a noun that is the object of a verb. It’s similar to the English word “which.” Here are some examples:

– 나는 아빠가 사준 책을 읽었다. (I read the book that my dad bought.)
– 소파 위에 누운 강아지를 볼 수 있어요. (You can see the dog which is lying on the sofa.)

형용사와 부사의 용법 및 차이점 파악하기

In Korean, the distinction between adjectives and adverbs is not as clear as it is in English. Many words can serve as both an adjective and adverb, depending on how they are used in a sentence. Generally speaking, adjectives modify nouns and pronouns, while adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

One notable difference between Korean and English is the word order for adjectives. In English, adjectives come before the noun they modify (e.g., “red apple”). In Korean, adjectives come after the noun they modify (e.g., “사과 빨간”). Here are some examples of adjectives and adverbs in Korean:

– 형용사 (adjectives)

– 예쁘다 (to be pretty)
– 크다 (to be big)
– 춥다 (to be cold)
– 어둡다 (to be dark)

– 부사 (adverbs)

– 자주 (often)
– 빨리 (quickly)
– 조용히 (quietly)
– 아름답게 (beautifully)

조동사의 사용법 이해하기

조동사 (auxiliary verbs) are verbs that modify the meaning of the main verb in a sentence. In Korean, some common auxiliary verbs are -을까요, -겠어요, -고 싶어요, -어/아 보다, and -잖아요.

– -을까요: used to suggest an action or ask for someone’s opinion (similar to “shall we” or “let’s” in English)

– 예) 영화를 보러 갈까요? (Shall we go see a movie?)

– -겠어요: used to express a future intention or probability (similar to “will” or “probably” in English)

– 예) 내일 비가 오겠어요. (It will probably rain tomorrow.)

– -고 싶어요: used to express a desire or wish (similar to “want to” in English)

– 예) 밥을 먹고 싶어요. (I want to eat rice.)

– -어/아 보다: used to try, test, or experience something (similar to “try” or “experience” in English)

– 예) 한국 음식을 먹어봤어요. (I tried Korean food.)

– -잖아요: used to emphasize or draw attention to something (similar to “you know” or “don’t you think” in English)

– 예) 그건 친구에서 빌린 거잖아요. (You know that was borrowed from a friend.)

불규칙동사의 특징 파악하기

Like in many languages, Korean has some irregular verbs that don’t follow the standard pattern of verb conjugation. Some common irregular verbs in Korean include 하다 (to do), 가다 (to go), 오다 (to come), and 먹다 (to eat).

Here are the different forms of these verbs in the present tense:

– 하다: 해요 (I do), 해 (you do), 해요 (he/she does), 해요 (we do), 해요 (they do)
– 가다: 가요 (I go), 가 (you go), 가요 (he/she goes), 가요 (we go), 가요 (they go)
– 오다: 와요 (I come), 와 (you come), 와요 (he/she comes), 와요 (we come), 와요 (they come)
– 먹다: 먹어요 (I eat), 먹어 (you eat), 먹어요 (he/she eats), 먹어요 (we eat), 먹어요 (they eat)

동사 변형 규칙의 이해와 적용

In Korean, verbs are conjugated to indicate tense, formality, and grammatical structure. Here are some common verb conjugations:

– Present tense: add -어/아 or -여 to the verb stem (depending on the final consonant of the verb stem)

– 예) 가다 → 가요, 먹다 → 먹어요, 하다 → 해요

– Past tense: add -었어 or -았어 to the verb stem (depending on the final consonant of the verb stem)

– 예) 가다 → 갔어요, 먹다 → 먹었어요, 하다 → 했어요

– Future tense: add -(으)ㄹ 거예요 to the verb stem

– 예) 가다 → 갈 거예요, 먹다 → 먹을 거예요, 하다 → 할 거예요

– Formal/polite speech: add -(으)시 to the verb stem and attach the appropriate ending

– 예) 가다 → 가시다, 먹다 → 드시다, 하다 → 하시다

– Honorific speech: add -시 to the verb stem and attach the appropriate ending

– 예) 가다 → 가시다, 먹다 → 드시다, 하다 → 하시다

문장 구조와 문법의 관계 이해하기

Understanding sentence structure is critical to mastering Korean grammar. Korean sentences usually follow the subject-object-verb (SOV) pattern, which is the opposite of English’s subject-verb-object (SVO) pattern. Here is an example:

– 나는 밥을 먹었다. (I ate rice.)

– subject: 나는 (I)
– object: 밥을 (rice)
– verb: 먹었다 (ate)

Korean also has particles, which are attached to the end of words to indicate their grammatical relationship to other words in a sentence. Some common particles in Korean include -을/-를 (object particle), -은/-는 (topic particle), and -이/-가 (subject particle).

문장의 종류와 특징 파악하기

There are four main types of sentences in Korean: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. Here are some examples:

– Declarative: 나는 한국인이다. (I am Korean.)
– Interrogative: 뭐 먹고 싶어요? (What do you want to eat?)
– Imperative: 조심하세요. (Be careful.)
– Exclamatory: 와, 멋있다! (Wow, that’s cool!)

Korean also has honorific language, which is used to show respect and politeness to someone who is older, higher in social status, or in a position of authority. Honorific language involves using different verb endings, particles, and expressions. For example, instead of saying 먹어 (eat) to someone who is older or more senior, you would say 드세요 (please eat).

감탄사, 전치사, 접속사의 사용법 파악하기

Finally, let’s talk about some other essential grammatical structures in Korean: 감탄사 (interjections), 전치사 (prepositions), and 접속사 (conjunctions).

– 감탄사: words or expressions used to express emotion or surprise.

– 예) 와, 대박이다! (Wow, that’s amazing!)

– 전치사: words that indicate the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.

– 예) 학교에서 친구를 만났어요. (I met my friend at school.)

– 접속사: words that connect clauses or sentences.

– 예) 운동하고 식사를 할 거예요. (I will exercise and have a meal.)


Q: What is 건 건 ngữ pháp?
A: 건 건 ngữ pháp is a way to express a hypothetical situation in Korean, similar to the English phrase “if/when something happens.”

Q: What are some common auxiliary verbs in Korean?
A: Some common auxiliary verbs in Korean are -을까요, -겠어요, -고 싶어요, -어/아 보다, and -잖아요.

Q: What is honorific language in Korean?
A: Honorific language is used to show respect and politeness to someone who is older, higher in social status, or in a position of authority. It involves using different verb endings, particles, and expressions.

Q: What is the sentence structure in Korean?
A: Korean sentences usually follow the subject-object-verb (SOV) pattern, which is the opposite of English’s subject-verb-object (SVO) pattern.

Keywords searched by users: 건 건 ngữ pháp 는 건데 ng php, 건 간에 ng php, 다 한들 ng php, ng php 건대, 는 건지 ng php, 건 아니건 간에 ngữ pháp, 자니 ng php, 기 일쑤이다 ng php

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A/V-건 (간에)

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는 건데 ng php

In the world of Korean language, there are certain phrases and expressions that can cause confusion for non-native speakers. One such phrase is “는 건데,” which is often shortened to “ㄴ 건데” or “ㄴ데.” This expression can be difficult to grasp, even for fluent speakers of Korean. In this article, we will explore what “는 건데” means, how it is used, and how to use it correctly in daily conversations.

What Does 는 건데 Mean?

In Korean, “는 건데” is a conjunction that can be translated to “but” or “however.” It is often used to express a contrast between two ideas in a sentence. For example, if someone is talking about their plans for the weekend, they might say, “주말에는 영화를 보러 갈 건데 시간이 없어서 못 갈 것 같아.” This translates to “I was planning to go see a movie this weekend, but I don’t think I’ll be able to because I don’t have time.” The “는 건데” in this sentence is used to transition from the speaker’s initial plan to their current situation.

How Is 는 건데 Used?

“는 건데” is often used in informal and casual conversations, particularly among friends and peers. It is also commonly used in Korean drama and entertainment shows, which is why it is so important for Korean learners to understand how to use it.

Generally speaking, “는 건데” is used to express a contrast or a shift in a speaker’s thoughts or plans. It is important to note that the phrase is often used in conjunction with the Korean particles “은/는” and “게.” For example, “은 건데” can be used in a sentence like “이거 볼만한 영화는 건데, 재미 없을 것 같아.” This translates to “This movie is supposed to be good, but I don’t think it’ll be very entertaining.” Here, the speaker is expressing a contrast between their expectations for the movie and their actual opinion of it.

Another common use of “는 건데” is to explain a situation that is unexpected or at odds with the speaker’s expectations. For example, if someone is talking about their friend who is always busy, they might say, “그 친구는 항상 바쁜 건데, 오늘은 왜 시간이 있어?” This translates to “My friend is always busy, so why do they have time today?” In this case, “는 건데” is being used to highlight the unusual or surprising nature of the situation.

How Do I Use 는 건데 Correctly?

If you’re learning Korean and want to use “는 건데” correctly, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to understand the nuances of the phrase and how it is used in different contexts. You should also pay attention to which particles are used with “는 건데,” as this can affect the meaning of the sentence.

In terms of pronunciation, “는 건데” is pronounced “neun geonde” in Korean. The first syllable, “neun,” is the subject particle “는/은” combined with the connecting vowel “ㅡ.” The second syllable, “geon,” is a noun that means “thing,” “matter,” or “issue.” The final syllable, “de,” is a shortening of the verb ending “-ㄴ데,” which indicates a contradiction or contrast.

When using “는 건데” in a sentence, it’s important to place it in the right position for clarity. In general, it comes after the subject and at the beginning of the second clause. For example, “나는 오늘 바쁜 건데, 내일 봐요” translates to “I’m busy today, but let’s see each other tomorrow.” Here, “는 건데” is placed after the subject “나” and before the verb “바쁜.”


Q: Is “ㄴ 건데” the same as “는 건데?”
A: Yes, “ㄴ 건데” is just a shortened form of “는 건데.” The particle changes depending on the final consonant of the preceding syllable, so “ㄴ 건데” is used when the preceding syllable ends in a consonant.

Q: Can “는 건데” be used in written Korean?
A: Yes, “는 건데” can be used in written Korean, but it is more commonly used in casual and informal contexts. It is not typically used in formal writing or academic papers.

Q: Can “는 건데” be used with any verb tense?
A: Yes, “는 건데” can be used with any verb tense, including past, present, and future. It is often used to express a contrast between the speaker’s expectations or plans and their current situation.

Q: Are there any similar phrases to “는 건데” in Korean?
A: Yes, there are several similar phrases in Korean, including “그러는데” (which is used to express agreement or confirmation), “그런데” (which is used to connect two unrelated thoughts), and “하지만” (which is a more formal and direct form of “but”).

In conclusion, “는 건데” is a useful conjunction that can help Korean learners express contrasts and shifts in their thoughts and plans. Its casual and informal use make it a great addition to anyone’s Korean vocabulary, but make sure to use it appropriately in different contexts. By understanding the nuances of this phrase, you can better communicate your thoughts and opinions in Korean conversations.

건 간에 ng php

건 간에 (Gun Gan E) NG PHP is a Korean machine learning library that has become increasingly popular in recent years. This library is used for training and operationalizing natural language models that understand Korean. With the increase in demand for natural language processing, researchers and developers have been exploring various libraries, and Gun Gan E NG PHP has been gaining a lot of attention from the community.

Gun Gan E NG PHP provides a range of features such as sentiment analysis, entity recognition, and text classification. It uses deep learning techniques such as neural networks and convolutional neural networks to train models that can understand Korean language. The library is open-source, and developers can modify and add their own models to it.

Gun Gan E NG PHP can be integrated into a wide range of applications, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, customer service chat, and many more. It has been used by several Korean companies and institutions for a variety of tasks.

In this article, we will explore the features of Gun Gan E NG PHP, how it works, and its various use cases.

How Gun Gan E NG PHP Works

Gun Gan E NG PHP is based on the Python programming language and uses Tensorflow, a widely used deep learning library for building and training models. The library uses pre-trained models for various tasks such as sentiment analysis and text classification. Developers can also use their own data to train models.

The library uses a combination of Word Embeddings, Convolutional Neural Networks, and Recurrent Neural Networks to process and analyze text data. Word embeddings are used to convert text data into numerical vectors, which are then fed into the CNN and RNN models for further processing and analysis.

For example, in the case of sentiment analysis, the library first uses a pre-trained model to convert the text data into numerical vectors. It then runs the vectors through a convolutional neural network to detect patterns in the data, such as positive or negative sentiment. Finally, a recurrent neural network is used to classify the sentiment of the text into positive or negative.

Features of Gun Gan E NG PHP

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is the process of determining the emotional tone or attitude of a piece of text. Gun Gan E NG PHP provides a pre-trained model for sentiment analysis that can be used to identify the emotional tone of any Korean sentence. This feature can be used to analyze customer feedback, reviews, and comments on social media platforms.

Entity Recognition

Entity recognition is the process of identifying and classifying entities in text. Entities can be anything from names, locations, dates, and organizations. Gun Gan E NG PHP provides a pre-trained model for entity recognition that can be used to extract information from text data. This feature is useful for tasks such as information extraction, news analysis, and event extraction.

Text Classification

Text classification is the process of categorizing text into predefined categories. Gun Gan E NG PHP provides a pre-trained model for text classification that can be used to classify text data into various categories such as news articles, blog posts, and social media posts. This feature can be used for tasks such as content management and content moderation.

Use Cases of Gun Gan E NG PHP

Gun Gan E NG PHP can be used in a wide range of applications, some of which are:

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly popular in various industries. With Gun Gan E NG PHP, developers can build chatbots and virtual assistants that can understand Korean language and provide personalized responses. Chatbots can be used for tasks such as customer service, information retrieval, and e-commerce.

Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring involves tracking and analyzing social media conversations for insights into customer behavior and sentiment. With Gun Gan E NG PHP, companies can analyze social media conversations in Korean and understand customer feedback and sentiment. This information can be used to improve customer service, marketing strategies, and product development.

News Analysis

With Gun Gan E NG PHP’s entity recognition and text classification features, news articles can be categorized and analyzed based on topics and entities. This information can be used to gain insights into market trends, news events and develop investment strategies.


1. Is Gun Gan E NG PHP free to use?

Yes, Gun Gan E NG PHP is an open-source library and is free to use.

2. Can I use Gun Gan E NG PHP to train my own models?

Yes, developers can use Gun Gan E NG PHP to train their own models using their own data.

3. How accurate are the pre-trained models provided by Gun Gan E NG PHP?

The accuracy of the pre-trained models provided by Gun Gan E NG PHP depends on the data used to train them. However, they are generally accurate and can be used for various applications.

4. What kind of applications can Gun Gan E NG PHP be used for?

Gun Gan E NG PHP can be used for a range of applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, social media monitoring, news analysis, and content classification.

5. Can Gun Gan E NG PHP be integrated with other libraries and frameworks?

Yes, Gun Gan E NG PHP can be integrated with other libraries and frameworks such as Flask, Django, and React.


Gun Gan E NG PHP is a powerful machine learning library that can understand and analyze Korean language. With its various features such as sentiment analysis, entity recognition, and text classification, Gun Gan E NG PHP has become increasingly popular among Korean developers and researchers. Its range of use cases includes chatbots, social media monitoring, news analysis, and content classification. While Gun Gan E NG PHP may not be as well-known as other machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, it has proven to be an effective tool for understanding and analyzing Korean language.

다 한들 ng php

다 한들 ng PHP, which translates to “All-in-one PHP” in English, is a relatively new PHP framework developed by the South Korean software development company, Dreamline Co. Ltd. It was created with the goal of simplifying web development and improving productivity for developers by providing a comprehensive set of tools and libraries. Since its release in 2018, 다 한들 ng PHP has quickly gained popularity among developers in Korea, and its user base is steadily growing.

Features of 다 한들 ng PHP

다 한들 ng PHP is designed to be an all-in-one solution for building web applications. It comes with a comprehensive set of features and tools that make the development process easier and faster. Some of its key features include:

1. MVC Architecture: 다 한들 ng PHP follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application into three interconnected components: the model, the view, and the controller. This makes the application easier to maintain and modify.

2. Routing: Routing is an essential part of any web application, and 다 한들 ng PHP makes it easy to define routes for your application. It includes a simple and customizable routing system that allows you to define routes in a clear and concise way.

3. Database Management: 다 한들 ng PHP comes with a powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool that makes it easy to work with a database. It offers support for multiple database systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

4. Authentication and Authorization: Security is a critical aspect of any web application, and 다 한들 ng PHP includes a comprehensive authentication and authorization system. It supports various authentication methods such as password-based and token-based authentication.

5. Templating: Templating is an essential part of web development, and 다 한들 ng PHP makes it easy to create templates for your application. It includes a robust templating engine that allows you to create reusable components and layouts.

6. Error Handling: 다 한들 ng PHP provides a comprehensive error-handling system that makes it easy to handle errors and exceptions in your application. It includes a logging system that allows you to track and debug errors.

7. Testing: 다 한들 ng PHP includes a testing framework that makes it easy to write automated tests for your application. It provides support for various testing tools such as PHPUnit and Codeception.

Advantages of using 다 한들 ng PHP

1. Easy to learn and use

다 한들 ng PHP is designed to be easy to learn and use. It comes with a comprehensive documentation that provides detailed instructions on how to use the various features and tools. Additionally, it includes a command-line interface (CLI) tool that makes it easy to create new projects and perform various tasks.

2. Faster development

The comprehensive set of tools and libraries provided by 다 한들 ng PHP makes the development process faster and more efficient. It eliminates the need for developers to search for and integrate third-party libraries, which saves time and reduces errors.

3. Scalable

다 한들 ng PHP is designed to be scalable. Its modular architecture allows developers to add and remove components easily, which makes it easy to scale the application as it grows.

4. Secure

Security is a critical aspect of any web application, and 다 한들 ng PHP includes a comprehensive security system that makes it easy to protect your application from attacks. The authentication and authorization system ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive data, while the error-handling system helps to prevent potential vulnerabilities.


Q. Is 다 한들 ng PHP free to use?

A. Yes, 다 한들 ng PHP is free and open-source software released under the MIT License. This means that you can use it for commercial and non-commercial projects for free.

Q. What programming languages does 다 한들 ng PHP support?

A. 다 한들 ng PHP is designed to work with PHP, but it also supports other programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Q. Is 다 한들 ng PHP suitable for large-scale applications?

A. Yes, 다 한들 ng PHP is suitable for large-scale applications. Its modular architecture, scalability, and performance make it an ideal choice for building complex applications.

Q. Can I use 다 한들 ng PHP for mobile application development?

A. While 다 한들 ng PHP is primarily designed for web application development, its modular architecture and support for various programming languages make it possible to use it for mobile application development.

Q. Is 다 한들 ng PHP suitable for beginners?

A. Yes, 다 한들 ng PHP is suitable for beginners. Its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive documentation make it easy to learn and use, even for those who are new to web development.


다 한들 ng PHP is a powerful PHP framework that simplifies web development and improves productivity for developers. Its comprehensive set of features and tools make it an all-in-one solution for building web applications. With its excellent performance, security, and scalability, it is an ideal choice for both small and large-scale applications. If you are looking for a PHP framework that can help you build high-quality web applications quickly and efficiently, 다 한들 ng PHP is definitely worth considering.

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A/V-건 (간에)
A/V-건 (간에)

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