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거래 영어 배우기: 비즈니스 상황에서 더 자신감 있게 대화하기! 클릭하세요.

영어 쓰면 절대 안되는 말랑이 거래!! 영어 금지!!

거래 영어

1. 거래 영어의 개요

거래 영어란, 비즈니스 활동에서 쓰이는 영어를 말합니다. 현대 사회는 글로벌화되면서, 영어는 전 세계적으로 상용어로 쓰이고 있습니다. 그런데 아무리 영어를 잘하는 사람도, 비즈니스 용어는 잘 모르는 경우가 많습니다. 거래 영어는 기본적인 인사, 주문, 가격 협상 등의 표현부터, 국제 거래에서 필요한 용어들까지 다양한 영역에서 쓰입니다.

그렇다면, 왜 거래 영어를 배워야 할까요? 우선, 글로벌 시장에서 경쟁할 때, 영어는 필수적입니다. 특히 제품을 판매하거나, 해외에서 비즈니스를 하기 위해서는 거래 영어를 반드시 알아야 합니다. 또한, 해외에서 회사를 창업하거나 인턴십을 하기 위해서도 거래 영어가 필수적입니다.

2. 기초적인 거래 영어 표현

우선, 인사와 자기소개는 거래 영어에서 가장 기본적인 표현입니다. “Hi, my name is (이름)입니다.”와 같이 자기소개를 한 뒤, “May I ask what brings you here today?”와 같이 상대방의 도움을 요청하는 표현도 유용합니다.

주문하기는 거래 영어에서 필수적인 요소입니다. “I’d like to order (주문하고 싶은 제품)”와 같이 간단한 주문 표현부터, “Could you please explain how this product works?”와 같이 제품 설명을 요청하는 표현도 자주 쓰입니다.

가격 협상하기는 거래 영어에서 가장 어려운 부분 중 하나입니다. “What is the price of this product?”와 같이 가격을 물어보는 표현부터, “Can you give me a discount?”와 같이 할인을 요청하는 표현은 꼭 알아두어야 합니다.

3. 거래 영어에서 자주 쓰이는 용어

Payment terms는 거래 영어에서 매우 중요한 요소입니다. “30% deposit, 70% balance before shipment”와 같이 입금 및 납품 시기를 정하는 용어이며, 꼭 알아두어야 합니다. Lead time은 생산 및 납품 시간을 의미하며, “What is the lead time for this product?”라는 질문을 자주 받습니다. MOQ(Minimum Order Quantity)는 최소 주문 수량을 의미하며, “What is the MOQ for this product?”와 같이 묻는 질문이 자주 쓰입니다. ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival)는 예상 도착 시간을 의미하며, “What is the ETA for this shipment?”과 같이 묻는 질문이 자주 쓰입니다.

4. 국제 거래 시 고려해야 할 요소

국제 거래에서는 문화적 차이와 관습적인 거래 방식 등 다양한 요소를 고려해야 합니다. 문화적 차이는 행동 및 언어에서 나타나며, 예를 들어 일본에서는 “yes”와 같은 대답이 모두 긍정적인 의미를 가질 수 있는 경우가 있습니다. 또한, 관습적인 거래 방식과 국제 거래 서식에 대한 이해도 필수적입니다. 예를 들어, 인도에서는 고객과의 개인적인 인연을 맺는 것이 매우 중요한 가치관이므로, 비즈니스 거래에서도 인간적인 교류가 먼저 이루어져야 합니다.

5. 거래 영어 학습 방법

거래 영어를 학습하는 데 가장 중요한 요소는 Listening & Speaking입니다. 영어를 듣거나 말할 기회를 많이 가지는 것이 필수적입니다. 또한, 거래 영어에서 자주 쓰이는 용어들을 정리해서 외우는 것도 중요합니다. 그리고, 인터넷이나 책 등 다양한 자료를 활용하여 학습하는 것도 좋은 방법입니다.

6. 거래 영어의 활용

거래 영어는 다양한 산업 분야에서 활용됩니다. 예를 들어 제조업, IT, 금융 등의 분야에서는 모두 거래 영어가 필수적입니다. 또한, 해외출장을 할 때도 거래 영어는 필수적입니다. 해외 출장을 준비할 때는, 상대방의 문화와 비즈니스 관습을 이해하고, 거래 영어를 습득하는 것이 중요합니다.

비즈니스 영어 능력을 향상시키는 방법과 유의점은 데이터를 활용해서 자신이 어디서 틀리고 있는지 파악하고, 단어와 어울리는 컨텍스트를 이해하는 것이 중요합니다. 또한, 어휘와 문법, 형태소 등 기본적인 영어 교육을 받으면서, 적극적으로 Listening & Speaking을 연습하고, 고객과 많은 대화를 나누도록 노력해야 합니다.


1. 거래 영어란 무엇인가요?
– 거래 영어란, 비즈니스 활동에서 쓰이는 영어를 말합니다.

2. 왜 거래 영어를 배워야 할까요?
– 글로벌 시장에서 경쟁할 때, 영어는 필수적입니다. 특히 제품을 판매하거나, 해외에서 비즈니스를 하기 위해서는 거래 영어를 반드시 알아야 합니다.

3. 거래 영어 학습의 핵심은 무엇인가요?
– Listening & Speaking입니다. 영어를 듣거나 말할 기회를 많이 가지는 것이 필수적입니다.

4. 거래 영어를 활용하는 산업 분야는 어떤 것이 있나요?
– 제조업, IT, 금융 등의 분야에서는 모두 거래 영어가 필수적입니다.

5. 국제 거래에서 고려해야 할 요소는 무엇인가요?
– 문화적 차이와 관습적인 거래 방식 등을 고려해야 합니다.

6. 거래 영어를 학습하기 위해 어떤 자료를 활용할 수 있나요?
– 인터넷이나 책 등 다양한 자료를 활용할 수 있습니다.

Keywords searched by users: 거래 영어 중고거래 영어로, 거래 meaning, 주식거래 영어로, 은행 거래 영어로, Trade, 거래하다 뜻, 교환 영어, 거래내역 영어로

Categories: Top 31 거래 영어

영어 쓰면 절대 안되는 말랑이 거래!! 영어 금지!!

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중고거래 영어로

중고거래 or second-hand trading is a popular trend in Korea. Many people sell and buy used items instead of buying brand new products. This trend is not just environmentally friendly but also cost-efficient. If you are new to 중고거래, this article will help you to understand the basics and answer the frequently asked questions about this topic.

What is 중고거래?

중고거래 means second-hand trading or used item trading. It is the process of exchanging items between two parties without involving any third party or official merchant. This type of transaction happens through online or offline platforms such as Jungo Mall, Naver Cafe, Facebook groups, and offline markets. People sell their used items in these markets at a lower price than the original purchase price. Buyers purchase these used items at a discounted rate, which makes them a cost-efficient option.

Why is 중고거래 popular?

There are several reasons why 중고거래 is popular in Korea. Let’s take a look at some of them:

1. Cost Efficiency: People can save money by buying used items instead of brand new ones. They can buy the same product at a lower price, without compromising the quality.

2. Environmental Friendly: 중고거래 is an environmentally friendly option as it reduces waste and keeps items out of landfills.

3. Unique Items: Sometimes, people find rare or unique items in the second-hand market, which is not available in the market anymore.

4. Money-making: Selling used items can be a good way to make money as people can sell items they no longer need.

What are the most popular items in 중고거래?

Almost anything that is useful and in good condition can be sold through 중고거래. However, some items are more popular than others. Let’s take a look at some popular items in the second-hand market:

1. Electronics: Smartphones, laptops, video game consoles, and other electronic items are commonly found in the second-hand market.

2. Clothes and Accessories: Clothes, bags, shoes, and accessories are popular items in the second-hand market.

3. Furniture: Chairs, tables, sofas, and desks are common items in the second-hand market.

4. Books and DVDs: Second-hand books, DVDs, and CDs are popular items in the second-hand market.

5. Sporting Goods: Bicycles, golf clubs, and other sporting goods are commonly sold in the second-hand market.

How to sell items through 중고거래?

If you want to sell items through 중고거래, there are several steps you need to follow. Let’s take a look at these steps:

1. Determine the item’s price: You need to decide the item’s price based on its condition, age, and original purchase price.

2. Take photographs: Take high-quality photographs of the item from multiple angles.

3. Write a detailed description: Write a clear and detailed description of the item, including its condition, features, and any defects.

4. Choose the platform: Choose the platform where you want to sell your item. There are several online and offline platforms available in Korea, such as Jungo Mall, Naver Cafe, Facebook groups, and offline markets.

5. Post the item: Once you have chosen the platform, post your item along with the photographs and description.

6. Respond to inquiries: When people inquire about your item, respond to them promptly. Answer their questions and provide additional information if necessary.

7. Arrange delivery or pick-up: Once you have found a buyer, arrange for delivery or pick-up of the item.

How to buy items through 중고거래?

If you want to buy items through 중고거래, there are several steps you need to follow. Let’s take a look at these steps:

1. Search for the item: Search for the item you want to buy on the platform of your choice. Use filters to narrow down your search results.

2. Check the item’s condition: Check the item’s condition carefully through its photographs and description.

3. Negotiate the price: If you are interested in the item, negotiate the price with the seller.

4. Arrange delivery or pick-up: After agreeing on the price, arrange for delivery or pick-up of the item.

5. Check the item upon receipt: Once you have received the item, check its condition carefully to ensure it matches the description provided by the seller.

FAQs about 중고거래

1. Is it safe to buy and sell items through 중고거래?

Yes, it is generally safe to buy and sell items through 중고거래. However, it is important to be cautious and check the items’ condition carefully before buying them. When selling items, it is important to communicate with buyers truthfully and clearly about the items’ condition and any defects they may have.

2. What should I do if I receive a defective item?

If you receive a defective item, you should contact the seller immediately and try to resolve the issue. If you cannot come to an agreement, you can contact the platform where you made the transaction for assistance.

3. Can I return an item I bought through 중고거래?

The return policy varies depending on the platform you purchased the item from. Some platforms offer a return policy, while others do not. It is important to check the return policy before making the purchase.

4. What should I do if a buyer or seller doesn’t respond to my inquiries?

If a buyer or seller doesn’t respond to your inquiries, you can try to contact them again or contact the platform where the transaction took place for assistance.

5. Can I sell illegal items through 중고거래?

No, it is illegal to sell illegal items through 중고거래. It is important to follow the law and only sell legal items through the platform. 불법으로 거래하면 법적인 문제가 생길 수 있기 때문에 합법적인 거래를 하는 것이 중요합니다.


중고거래 is a smart and cost-effective way of buying and selling items. The second-hand market in Korea offers a wide range of products, from electronics to furniture. However, it is important to be cautious and check the items carefully before making a purchase. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can make a successful purchase or sale in the second-hand market.

거래 meaning

거래 (geolae) is a Korean word that is commonly used in business and finance, but it can also refer to any type of transaction or exchange. Understanding the meaning of 거래 is important for anyone who is doing business or living in Korea.

In its most basic form, 거래 refers to any type of exchange between two parties. This could be a purchase or sale of a product or service, an agreement to provide goods or services in exchange for money, or a contract between two businesses or individuals. 거래 can also refer to any type of financial transaction, including investments, loans, and money transfers.

The word 거래 is also used in the Korean legal system to refer to any type of legal contract or agreement. This includes contracts for the purchase or sale of goods, leases, and employment contracts. The term is also used in Korean banking and finance to refer to transactions involving loans, deposits, and other financial instruments.

The Korean concept of 거래 is closely tied to the traditional Confucian values of respect, trust, and loyalty. Many Koreans place a strong emphasis on building and maintaining relationships with their business partners, and 거래 is seen as a way to build and strengthen these relationships. In order to succeed in business in Korea, it is important to demonstrate trustworthiness, reliability, and a willingness to work together for the mutual benefit of both parties.

FAQs about 거래

Q: What is the difference between 거래 and 계약 (gyeyak)?

A: 거래 and 계약 are both Korean words that refer to legal agreements or contracts. However, 거래 is a broader term that can refer to any type of transaction or exchange, while 계약 usually refers to a more formal, written agreement between two parties. In general, 거래 is a more informal term that is often used in everyday conversation, while 계약 is more formal and legalistic.

Q: What does 거래금 (geolaegeum) mean?

A: 거래금 is a Korean term that refers to the amount of money that is being exchanged in a transaction or deal. It is often used in the context of buying or selling goods or services, but it can also refer to any type of financial transaction. The amount of 거래금 can vary widely depending on the nature of the transaction and the parties involved.

Q: What is the importance of relationships in Korean business culture?

A: Relationships are very important in Korean business culture, and building and maintaining strong relationships with business partners is considered a key factor in success. Koreans place a high value on trust, loyalty, and mutual benefit, and they often take a long-term view of business relationships. This means that it may take longer to establish a business relationship in Korea than in some other cultures, but once a relationship is established, it can be very strong and beneficial for both parties.

Q: Are there any cultural differences to keep in mind when doing business in Korea?

A: Yes, there are many cultural differences to keep in mind when doing business in Korea. For example, Koreans place a strong emphasis on hierarchy and respect for authority, so it is important to be aware of the relative status of the people you are dealing with. Koreans also value indirect communication and nonverbal cues, so it is important to pay attention to body language and tone of voice. Additionally, Koreans tend to place a strong emphasis on building relationships and trust, so it is important to invest time and effort in creating a personal connection with your business partners.

Q: How important is language proficiency when doing business in Korea?

A: Language proficiency is important when doing business in Korea, as many Koreans do not speak English fluently. However, it is often possible to conduct business in Korea using a combination of English and Korean, and there are many resources available for people who want to improve their Korean language skills. It is also helpful to work with a local partner or translator who can help navigate language and cultural differences.

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영어 쓰면 절대 안되는 말랑이 거래!! 영어 금지!!
영어 쓰면 절대 안되는 말랑이 거래!! 영어 금지!!

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