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[거상 수상한동굴 가는법] 이것만큼 신비로운 곳은 없다! 클릭하세요.

거상 중국 수상한동굴 가는방법

거상 수상한동굴 가는법

거상 수상한동굴은 대만 여행객의 대표적인 관광지 중 하나이다. 이 동굴은 머나먼 기운을 느낄 수 있는 곳으로 꼽히며, 가족, 연인, 친구들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 여행지로 많은 이들이 찾고 있다. 이번에는 거상 수상한동굴에 가는 방법부터 다양한 액티비티까지 소개해보겠다.

머나먼 기운을 느낄 수 있는 거상 수상한동굴 소개

거상 수상한동굴은 지금과는 다른 역사적인 시대의 생활양식과 신화, 문화를 재현하고 있는 실내 공원으로, 지하 수중 동굴을 시끄러운 도시에서 벗어나 쉴 수 있는 자연에서의 휴식처가 되어주고 있다. 이곳은 주변의 바위, 나무, 강들이 일그러지게 굽는 모습과 함께 굴뚝 모양으로 솟아오르는 거상 두이와 대형 산호, 묘비, 문화수, 수맹림, 구룡승을 중심으로 국내외 관광객들에게 많은 사랑을 받고 있다. 이 곳에서는 다양한 액티비티도 즐길 수 있기 때문에, 가족, 연인, 친구끼리 함께 즐길 수 있는 여행지로 자리 잡고 있다.

가족, 연인 혹은 친구들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 거상 수상한동굴 여행

거상 수상한동굴은 가족, 연인, 친구들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 여행지로, 많은 이들이 방문하고 있다. 이곳에서는 다양한 액티비티를 즐길 수 있어서, 더욱 많은 이들이 방문하게 된다. 이곳에서 체험할 수 있는 액티비티는 다음과 같다.

1. 거상 칭하이 주문서 : 칭하이에 살던 비선인의 정체를 파악할 수 있는 문서를 찾는 게임.

2. 거상 뿌리괴물 : 거상이 잡은 뿌리괴물을 찾는 게임.

3. 거상 기운을 머금은 원숭이 : 거상의 기운을 머금은 원숭이를 찾는 게임.

4. 거상 뿌리가시 : 거상 뿌리가시를 찾는 게임.

5. 거상 파오 이벤트 : 거상과 함께 행해지는 무대 공연.

6. 거상 백호 단주 민 : 거상 백호 단주 민을 찾는 게임.

7. 거상 퀘스트 : 거상과 함께하는 퀘스트를 클리어하는 게임.

위의 액티비티 외에도, 거상 수상한동굴에서는 미끼를 이용한 낚시, 래프팅, 산책, 바베큐 등 다양한 액티비티를 즐길 수 있다.

걷기 어려운 산길을 오르며 거상 수상한동굴에 도착하는 방법

거상 수상한동굴은 걷기 어려운 산길을 오르며 도착할 수 있다. 적당한 운동과 함께 자연을 즐기는 것이 가능하기 때문에, 많은 이들이 걷기를 즐긴다. 물론, 이 동굴은 어려운 길을 올라가야 하기 때문에 체력과 신발은 충분히 준비해야 한다. 거리는 약 1.5km 정도의 산도법최남방국립공원해바라기산을 오르며 도착할 수 있으며, 산 정상에 얹혀있는 동굴은 깊이 80m 정도의 수중동굴이다.

차량 이용하여 거상 수상한동굴에 가는 방법

차량으로 거상 수상한동굴에 가는 방법도 있다. 대륙과 대만을 잇는 다리인 해협하이웨이를 이용한다면, 서쪽에서부터 거상 수상한동굴로 갈 수 있다. 해포만의 산에서 만나는 23k에서 방향을 전환하는 것이 좋다. 이길은 온라인으로도 확인할 수 있으므로, 차량으로 방문하는 이들에게는 도움이 될 것이다.

인근 관광지와 함께 방문하기 좋은 거상 수상한동굴

거상 수상한동굴은 매우 특이한 장소이다. 이 동굴은 자연재해를 방지하는데 효과적이다. 이곳을 방문한다면, 인근 관광지와 함께 방문하는 것이 좋다. 이 근처에는 서룡사, 서적사, 프로방스 마을, 해포만 등의 관광지가 있다. 이런 관광지들을 함께 방문하면, 더욱 즐거운 여행이 될 것이다.


Q1. 거상 수상한동굴에서 즐길 수 있는 액티비티는 어떤 것이 있나요?

A1. 거상 수상한동굴에서 즐길 수 있는 액티비티는 거상 칭하이 주문서, 거상 뿌리괴물, 거상 기운을 머금은 원숭이, 거상 뿌리가시, 거상 파오 이벤트, 거상 백호 단주 민, 거상 퀘스트 등이 있다.

Q2. 거상 수상한동굴은 어떻게 가나요?

A2. 거상 수상한동굴은 걷기 어려운 산길을 올라가며 도착할 수도 있지만, 차량을 이용하여 방문할 수도 있다.

Q3. 거상 수상한동굴 근처에는 어떤 관광지가 있나요?

A3. 거상 수상한동굴 근처에는 서룡사, 서적사, 프로방스 마을, 해포만 등의 관광지가 있다.

Q4. 거상 수상한동굴은 어떤 동굴인가요?

A4. 거상 수상한동굴은 지하 수중 동굴을 시끄러운 도시에서 벗어나 쉴 수 있는 자연에서의 휴식처이다.

Keywords searched by users: 거상 수상한동굴 가는법 거상 두이 위치, 거상 칭하이 주문서, 거상 뿌리괴물, 거상 기운을 머금은 원숭이, 거상 뿌리가시, 거상 파오 이벤트, 거상 백호 단주 민, 거상 퀘스트

Categories: Top 61 거상 수상한동굴 가는법

거상 중국 수상한동굴 가는방법

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거상 두이 위치

거상 두이 (Geosang Dui), also known as the Geosang Dolmen, is a prehistoric megalithic monument located in the small town of Geosang-ri, Gochang-eup in Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea. It is considered one of the most significant prehistoric sites in the country and has been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The monument is made up of two vertical stones standing upright with a flat horizontal slab resting on top, forming a structure that resembles a table. The monument stands at 3.7 meters tall and weighs around 144 tons. It is believed to have been constructed during the early Bronze Age between 1,000 and 800 BCE.

According to historians and archaeologists, the Geosang Dolmen was used for various purposes, including as a tomb for the elite or as a space for communal rituals. The dolmen’s location near the Nakdong River may have been strategically selected due to the river’s role in trade and transportation during the early Bronze Age.

Despite its historic and cultural importance, the Geosang Dolmen suffered damage due to vandalism in the past. Several stones that made up the monument were removed, and the dolmen was eventually relocated due to construction of a nearby road. However, it was later restored to its original location through a reconstruction project in 1991. Since then, the Geosang Dolmen has been protected and preserved as an essential cultural heritage site.

Today, visitors can visit the Geosang Dolmen and explore the surrounding area. The site features a museum and exhibition hall with displays of artifacts and information about the dolmen’s history and construction. The museum also offers educational programs and guided tours for visitors.

The surrounding area is also rich in other ancient relics and monuments, such as the Gochang, Hwasun and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites, which are collectively known as the Dolmen Sites of Korea. These sites provide insight into the early lives and traditions of Korea’s prehistoric people.


1. What is a dolmen?

A dolmen is a prehistoric megalithic structure made up of large stones standing upright with a flat horizontal slab resting on top. Dolmens were typically used as tombs or spaces for communal rituals.

2. When was the Geosang Dolmen constructed?

The Geosang Dolmen is believed to have been constructed during the early Bronze Age between 1,000 and 800 BCE.

3. Where is the Geosang Dolmen located?

The Geosang Dolmen is located in the small town of Geosang-ri, Gochang-eup in Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea.

4. What is the significance of the Geosang Dolmen?

The Geosang Dolmen is considered one of the most significant prehistoric sites in South Korea and has been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It provides insight into the early lives and traditions of Korea’s prehistoric people.

5. What is the condition of the Geosang Dolmen today?

The Geosang Dolmen suffered damage due to vandalism in the past. However, it was later restored to its original location through a reconstruction project in 1991. Today, it is protected and preserved as an essential cultural heritage site.

6. Can visitors visit the Geosang Dolmen?

Yes, visitors can visit the Geosang Dolmen and explore the surrounding area. The site features a museum and exhibition hall with displays of artifacts and information about the dolmen’s history and construction. The museum also offers educational programs and guided tours for visitors.

7. What other ancient relics and monuments are located near the Geosang Dolmen?

The surrounding area is rich in other ancient relics and monuments, such as the Gochang, Hwasun and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites, which are collectively known as the Dolmen Sites of Korea.


The Geosang Dolmen is a significant cultural heritage site in South Korea that provides insight into the early lives and traditions of Korea’s prehistoric people. The monument’s construction during the early Bronze Age and its strategic location near the Nakdong River suggest its importance in trade and transportation during the time. Despite having suffered damage due to vandalism in the past, the dolmen has been restored and protected, and today visitors can visit and explore the site. The Geosang Dolmen is not only an essential part of South Korea’s history but also a reminder of the beauty and significance of prehistoric structures worldwide.

거상 칭하이 주문서

거상 칭하이 주문서: What it is, its History, and FAQs

거상 칭하이 주문서 or the Cheng-hai Tzu-chien-shu in Mandarin is a collection of books that emerged during the Qing Dynasty period, under the reign of Emperor Qianlong. It is considered as one of the major documents that recorded the Qing Dynasty’s diplomatic activity with Joseon (Korea) during the 18th century.

In this article, we will discuss what 거상 칭하이 주문서 is about, its history, and FAQs.

What is 거상 칭하이 주문서?

거상 칭하이 주문서 is a compilation of documents that records China’s diplomacy with Joseon. It includes correspondence, memorials, and edicts that were exchanged between both countries from 1711 to 1760, during the reign of China’s Emperor Qianlong and Korea’s King Yeongjo.

The documents contain valuable information about socio-economic issues, politics, and ideology of both countries during the 18th century. It is a primary source for interpreting historical events, foreign relations, and diplomatic policies between China and Korea.

The 거상 칭하이 주문서 also reveals diplomatic protocols and the ceremonial aspects of diplomacy during that time. The book’s contents show how exchange missions between the two nations were conducted, including regulations for civil and military personnel attending such missions.

It is important to note that the documents in 거상 칭하이 주문서 have been translated and published in Korean, Japanese, English, and other languages. The translation of the compilation of documents is crucial for scholars who study East Asian history, including the relations between China and Korea.

The History of 거상 칭하이 주문서

The compilation of documents that make up 거상 칭하이 주문서 is the result of diplomatic relations between the Qing Dynasty and Joseon. The Qing Dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China, and it was characterized by a powerful central government, extensive territorial expansion, and cultural development.

King Yeongjo, who ruled from 1724 to 1776, was the 21st king of Joseon. King Yeongjo was known for his political and socio-economic reforms, such as limiting the power of the aristocracy, promoting Confucianism, and improving national defense.

The close relationship between the Qing Dynasty and Joseon was due to the threat posed by the expanding Russian Empire, which was occupying the northeast of Asia. The Qing Dynasty and Joseon viewed the Russian Empire as a threat to their territorial integrity and cultural identity, and so they sought to establish diplomatic ties to counter the Russian threat.

In 1711, the Qing Dynasty sent a diplomatic mission to Joseon to establish official diplomatic relations. The mission was led by the renowned diplomat Songgotu, who was tasked with negotiating a treaty with Joseon. The resulting treaty, known as the “Treaty of Pusan,” established official diplomatic ties between the two countries.

As part of the diplomatic agreement, Joseon had to send a delegation every year to Beijing to pay tribute to the Qing Emperor. This practice became known as the Joseon Tribute Mission or Joseon Wae-ryeong.

The Joseon Wae-ryeong was an important diplomatic event that emphasized the subservience of Joseon to the Qing Dynasty. The delegation was composed of Korean officials, scholars, and artisans who brought gifts and tribute to the Qing Emperor.

The exchange visits between the two countries led to the production of the 거상 칭하이 주문서. During the Joseon Wae-ryeong visits, officials exchanged memorials and diplomatic letters that became part of the compilation of documents. The documents were later compiled and edited by the Qing court’s officials and were arranged by topics such as policymaking, the tributary system, and diplomatic activities.

What topics are covered in 거상 칭하이 주문서?

The compilation of documents in 거상 칭하이 주문서 covers various topics related to the socio-economic, cultural, and diplomatic relations between China and Korea during the 18th century.

Some of the topics covered in 거상 칭하이 주문서 include:

– The rules and regulations governing the tribute system between China and Korea
– The status and roles of Korean officials in the Joseon Wae-ryeong delegations
– The diplomatic protocols and ceremonial aspects of the Joseon Wae-ryeong
– The political and social systems of both nations, including their administrative structures and laws
– The intellectual climate and cultural practices, including literature, philosophy, and religion
– The economic and trade relationships between the two countries

The documents in 거상 칭하이 주문서 provide valuable insights into the socio-economic, political, and cultural life of both countries, making it a vital primary source for researchers and scholars.

FAQs about 거상 칭하이 주문서

Q: What does 거상 칭하이 주문서 mean?

A: 거상 칭하이 주문서 is a Korean term that means “Documents of the Korean and Chinese Tributary Missions to each Other in the Qing Dynasty.” It refers to the compilation of documents that record diplomatic exchanges between China and Korea during the 18th century.

Q: Who compiled 거상 칭하이 주문서?

A: Chinese officials compiled and edited 거상 칭하이 주문서. They arranged the documents by topics and categorized them according to diplomatic activities, policymaking, and tributary system.

Q: What kind of information can be found in 거상 칭하이 주문서?

A: The documents in 거상 칭하이 주문서 contain valuable information about the diplomatic, political, socio-economic, and cultural relationships between China and Korea during the 18th century. They include correspondence, memorials, and edicts that reveal the policies, governing systems, and cultural practices of both countries.

Q: Why is 거상 칭하이 주문서 important?

A: 거상 칭하이 주문서 is an essential primary source for researchers and scholars who study the diplomatic relations between China and Korea during the 18th century. The documents provide insights into the political, socio-economic, and cultural life of both countries during that period.

Q: Is 거상 칭하이 주문서 available in languages other than Korean and Chinese?

A: Yes, translations of 거상 칭하이 주문서 are available in multiple languages, including English, Japanese, and other languages. The translations make the documents accessible to a wider range of scholars and researchers.

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