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Trang chủ » 거상갤러리, 대한민국의 유일한 현대 미술 명소! 클릭해서 놀라움을 경험하세요!

거상갤러리, 대한민국의 유일한 현대 미술 명소! 클릭해서 놀라움을 경험하세요!

거상갤러리 상단은 진짜 나쁜놈들 일까?


거상갤러리는 대한민국 서울특별시 용산구 이태원동에 위치한 미술관이다. 이태원의 거리에 위치해 지금껏 가장 유명한 미술관 중 하나로 떠오르고 있다.

건축 및 역사적 배경

거상갤러리 건물의 디자인은 Gab Sunkyu, Kyungsun Han, Youngjin Song, Ken Park으로 구성된 마더 서울(Ma+Seoul) 건축 디자인 스튜디오가 설계하였다. 건물의 형태는 삼각형 레이아웃으로, 층수는 지상 5층, 지하 3층 구조를 가지고 있다. 처음 건물 내부 디자인은 Honjoun Jeff Chung 설계로 제작되었고, 2016년 Pelham Communications가 진행한 디자인 리뉴얼로 현재의 인테리어가 탄생하였다.

거상갤러리는 2006년 12월에 개관되어 약 14년의 역사를 가진 대표적인 미술관으로 자리 잡았다. 건물은 초기에는 주로 언론 관계자와 예술인들을 위해 전시회를 개최했으며 현재는 시간과 관계없이 누구나 찾아와 볼 수 있는 미술 관람 공간으로 변화하였다.

이태원의 건축적인 풍경은 개발 이전에는 깊은 숲으로 둘러싸인 계곡이 많았으나, 20세기에 들어 건축물들을 토대로 한 외국인 유학생들의 지적 수요를 받아 서구식 건축물과 주택, 카페, 레스토랑 등 외식 업소가 늘어나며 천착화되었다. 그중에서도 거상갤러리는 이태원의 건축적인 특색과 문화적인 역사를 고스란히 담은 건축물로 주목받고 있다.

전시 관람

거상갤러리의 관람 시설은 지상 층수와 지하 층수를 모두 활용하여 공간을 꾸며놓았다. 전용 주차장도 제공되어 방문 도중 차량을 두고 관람할 수 있다.

상설 전시 컬렉션에 대해서는 거상갤러리 홈페이지에서 확인이 가능하며, 각 격주로 변화하는 전시 컬렉션을 선보인다. 최근에는 현대 및 중국 미술 작품을 소개했다.

예술 협력 및 판매

거상갤러리는 예술 협력 프로그램를 진행하며 작품을 판매하며 컬렉션을 구성하고 있다. 예술 협력 프로그램은 다양한 예술가와 협력하여 다양한 관광객들에게 보다 광범위한 예술을 제공하고자 기획된 프로그램이다.

거상갤러리는 컬렉션을 구성하면서 작품을 판매하기도 하며, 작품 판매에 대한 정보는 거상갤러리 공식 홈페이지를 통해 확인할 수 있다. 또한, 여러 작품을 컬렉션으로 제작하여 판매를 진행하며, 관계자들과 함께 작품 선택과 컬렉션 구성을 진행하고 있다.

교육 프로그램

거상갤러리에서는 예술 교육 프로그램을 운영하며, 일반인과 아이들, 청소년들에게 예술 교육을 제공하고 있다. 예술 교육 프로그램은 명품 예술가와 배우들이 강사로 참여하며, 불특정 다수에게 교육을 진행하고 있다.

고객 서비스 및 시설

거상갤러리에서는 고객 서비스를 제공하며, 방문객들이 불편 없이 전시 관람할 수 있도록 노력하고 있다. 시설은 주차장과 편안한 라운지로 구성되어 있다. 또한, 갤러리에서는 다양한 이벤트도 진행하며, 예술에 대한 애호자에게는 매우 유익한 장소로 활용될 수 있다.

미술 행사 및 문화 프로그램

거상갤러리에서는 다양한 미술 행사와 문화 프로그램을 계속해서 열고 있는데, 이를 통해 조금 더 다양하면서도 새로운 예술 경험을 할 수 있으며, 문화를 공유할 수 있는 기회를 마련해준다. 거상갤러리에서는 갤러리 내외부에서 다양한 프로그램이 진행되고 있으며, 주기적인 예술 행사 등에 참여하는 것도 많은 것을 배울 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것이다.

컬렉션 소개

거상갤러리 컬렉션은 현대 미술뿐만 아니라 다양한 작품 유형들을 소개하고 있다. 이러한 소개를 통해 다양한 작품을 쉽게 접할 수 있는 기회를 마련하고 있다. 보유하고 있는 작품 중에서는 골든 에이지부터 현대 미술의 다양한 작품까지 다양하다.

미술계 소식 및 이슈

거상 에펨, 거상 커뮤니티, 거상짱, 거상 악바르, 거상 모바일, 거상m갤러리, 거상 마조, 다저스 갤러리거상갤러리. 이들 모두에게 있어 거상갤러리는 유명한 미술관으로 꼽힌다.

거상 갤러리는 성공적인 전시와 뜨거운 반응, 갤러리 바이어 등을 기록하며 지속적으로 확장하는 중이다. 뛰어난 컬렉션과 은은한 분위기, 그리고 교육 프로그램들이 활성화되어 미술계 안에서 큰 반향을 불러 일으키고 있다.


Q: 건물 주변에 주차공간은 있나요?
A: 예, 거상갤러리는 전용 주차장을 제공합니다.

Q: 거상갤러리에서 전시 회차는 어떻게 구성되어 있나요?
A: 거상갤러리에서는 컬렉션 전시물이 격주 업로드되고 있습니다.

Q: 거상갤러리에서 제공하는 교육 프로그램은 무엇인가요?
A: 거상갤러리에서는 예술 교육 프로그램을 운영하며, 일반인과 아이들, 청소년들에게 예술 교육을 제공하고 있습니다.

Q: 거상갤러리에서는 어떤 종류의 작품을 컬렉션으로 제공하나요?
A: 거상갤러리에서는 다양한 작품 유형들을 소개하고 있으며, 골든 에이지부터 현대 미술의 다양한 작품 컬렉션으로 다채롭게 소개되고 있습니다.

Q: 거상 갤러리는 어떤 종류의 이벤트가 진행되나요?
A: 거상 갤러리에서는 다양한 이벤트들이 진행됩니다. 자세한 내용은 공식 홈페이지를 참고해주세요.

Q: 거상갤러리에서 제공하는 고객 서비스와 시설은 어떤 것인가요?
A: 거상갤러리에서는 주차장과 편안한 라운지로 구성한 시설을 제공하며, 추가로 이벤트 및 갤러리 서비스 등을 제공합니다.

Keywords searched by users: 거상갤러리 거상 에펨, 거상 커뮤니티, 거상짱, 거상 악바르, 거상 모바일, 거상m갤러리, 거상 마조, 다저스 갤러리

Categories: Top 37 거상갤러리

거상갤러리 상단은 진짜 나쁜놈들 일까?

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거상 에펨

거상 에펨 (Geosang Epeum) is a popular Korean online community that is dedicated to gaming. It is one of the largest and the most active gaming communities in South Korea, with over 6 million registered members. The community is primarily focused on online games, but it also covers other forms of entertainment such as music, movies, and anime.


Geosang Epeum was founded in 1999, by a group of gaming enthusiasts who wanted to create an online hub for gamers to connect, share tips, and compete. Initially, the platform was just a small forum, but as more people started joining, it evolved into a full-blown online community.

At first, Geosang Epeum mainly focused on PC games, but with the rise of mobile gaming, the community expanded its scope to include mobile games as well. Today, it is one of the biggest and most influential gaming communities in South Korea, with a thriving ecosystem of gamers, content creators, and esports enthusiasts.

What makes Geosang Epeum different from other gaming communities?

One of the key factors that set Geosang Epeum apart from other gaming communities is its focus on fostering a strong sense of community among its members. The platform is designed to be a hub where gamers can connect with like-minded individuals, share their gaming experiences, and participate in a variety of social and competitive events.

One way Geosang Epeum achieves this is through its active forum, which is divided into various subforums dedicated to specific games, platforms, and genres. The forum is a great place to find tips and strategies for specific games, participate in discussions about the latest gaming trends, and connect with other gamers who share your interests.

In addition to its forum, Geosang Epeum also offers a range of other features that make it easy to connect with other gamers. For example, the community has its own chat system, which you can use to communicate with other members in real-time. There are also various social features, such as user profiles, friends lists, and groups, which make it easy to stay connected with other members.

Another feature that sets Geosang Epeum apart from other communities is its focus on esports. The community has a thriving esports scene, with regular tournaments, leagues, and other competitive events. If you’re into esports, Geosang Epeum is an excellent platform to connect with other fans, watch live-streamed matches, and even participate in your own esports matches.

How to join Geosang Epeum

Joining Geosang Epeum is straightforward and can be done in a few simple steps. The first thing you need to do is visit the platform’s official website at From there, click on the “회원가입” (Join) button, which can be found in the top-right corner of the screen.

You’ll then be taken to a registration page, where you’ll need to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your name, email address, and date of birth. You’ll also need to choose a username and password, which you’ll use to log into the site.

Once you’ve filled in all the necessary information, click on the “가입하기” (Join) button to complete your registration. You’ll then receive an email from Geosang Epeum with a confirmation link. Click on the link to confirm your account, and you’re ready to start exploring the community!

Frequently asked questions

Q: Is Geosang Epeum only for Korean gamers?

A: Yes, Geosang Epeum is primarily focused on South Korean gamers, and most of the content and events are in Korean. However, the community is open to gamers from all over the world, so if you’re interested in Korean games or esports, you may find it to be a great platform to connect with other fans.

Q: What games are popular on Geosang Epeum?

A: Geosang Epeum covers a wide range of games, from PC games to mobile games. Some of the most popular games on the platform include League of Legends, Overwatch, PUBG, and Fortnite.

Q: How do I find other gamers to play with on Geosang Epeum?

A: One of the easiest ways to find other gamers to play with on Geosang Epeum is to join a game-specific subforum and post a message asking if anyone wants to play. You can also use the community’s chat system to communicate with other members in real-time and find people to play with.

Q: Can I share my own gaming content on Geosang Epeum?

A: Yes, Geosang Epeum encourages members to share their own gaming content, such as videos, screenshots, and streams. You can post your content in the appropriate subforum or on your user profile.

Q: Are there any fees to join or use Geosang Epeum?

A: No, Geosang Epeum is free to join and use. However, some events and services may require a fee, such as esports tournaments or premium features.


Geosang Epeum is a vibrant and active gaming community that is dedicated to connecting Korean gamers with each other and with the wider gaming world. Its focus on community-building, esports, and a wide range of games makes it an excellent platform for anyone interested in Korean gaming culture. Whether you’re looking to find gaming buddies, share your own content, or participate in competitive events, Geosang Epeum offers something for every type of gamer.

거상 커뮤니티

거상, the Korean word for “giant,” has become a popular concept in Korean culture in recent years, with many Koreans embracing the image of towering figures as icons of strength, power, and perseverance. This fascination with giants has led to the emergence of 거상 커뮤니티 (giant community), an online community dedicated to exploring the world of giants and sharing stories, artwork, and information about these mythical creatures.

What is 거상 커뮤니티?

거상 커뮤니티 is an online community that is dedicated to all things giant. The community members consist of people who are passionate about the mythological creatures, from artists who create fantastical images of giants to writers who explore the giants’ worlds.

The community is primarily based on social media sites and online forums where members can post their creations, share news and information about giants, and discuss their ideas and opinions on the topic. The community is open to anyone who is interested in giants, whether they are artists, writers, or simply fans.

The community’s content is diverse and consists of artwork, stories, and even games centered around giant themes. Some members share their personal experiences with giant dreams or encounters, while others delve into the scientific aspects of giants. The community encourages creativity and imagination, making it a great place to find inspiration or connect with like-minded individuals.

Why are Koreans so fascinated with giants?

The fascination with giants in Korea can be traced back to the country’s rich folklore and mythology. Giants are frequently mentioned in Korean traditional tales and have played a significant role in shaping the country’s cultural identity.

One of the most famous Korean folktales featuring giants is the story of Sariwon, a giant who protects a village from a monster. The tale is believed to have originated in the Goguryeo era and has been passed down from generation to generation.

The idea of giants as protectors has also gained popularity in recent years, especially with the rise of Korean pop culture. K-pop groups have incorporated giant themes in their music and have even featured giant characters in their music videos.

The popularity of giants has also been influenced by the global trend of fantasy and science fiction movies and TV shows. Korean fans, particularly millennials, have shown a growing interest in exploring different worlds and alternate realities, creating an ideal environment for the growth of the giant community.

What are some common motifs in 거상 커뮤니티?

One of the most common motifs in 거상 커뮤니티 is the image of towering giants standing tall against the sky. This imagery provides a sense of awe and wonder, as it portrays the vastness of the world and human potential.

Another common motif is the idea of giants as protectors, similar to the Sariwon folk tale. Many artists create images of giants guarding cities or villages, highlighting their strength and bravery.

Some members of the community delve into the scientific aspects of giants, exploring the possibility of their existence and the consequences of a world where giants roam free. Others focus on the spiritual aspects of giants, imagining them as gods or deities with immense power.

What are some benefits of joining 거상 커뮤니티?

One of the primary benefits of joining 거상 커뮤니티 is the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. The community is a great place to find inspiration, share ideas, and collaborate on creative projects.

The community is also an excellent resource for learning about Korean folklore and mythology. By exploring the world of giants, members can gain a deeper understanding of Korean culture and its traditions.

Lastly, the community can also be a source of entertainment and relaxation. Members can enjoy browsing the different types of content and sharing their own contributions, making it an exciting and engaging experience.

Are there any downsides to joining 거상 커뮤니티?

Like any online community, 거상 커뮤니티 has its fair share of downsides. These include:

1. Trolls and negativity: As with any online platform, there may be individuals who post negative comments or engage in trolling behavior. Members should be prepared to encounter these types of individuals and approach them with caution.

2. Intellectual property disputes: Since the community is centered around creative content, there may be disputes regarding ownership of certain artworks or stories. Members should always credit the original creator and seek permission before sharing someone else’s work.

3. Time commitment: The community can be a significant time commitment, especially for those who are deeply invested in creating and sharing their own content.

Overall, 거상 커뮤니티 provides an opportunity for individuals to explore the world of giants and connect with others who share their passion. Whether for artistic inspiration, cultural enrichment, or personal entertainment, joining the community can be a rewarding experience for those interested in the fascinating realm of giants.

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거상갤러리 상단은 진짜 나쁜놈들 일까?
거상갤러리 상단은 진짜 나쁜놈들 일까?

Article link: 거상갤러리.

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